At our friend's destination wedding in Jaipur, it just screamed money and grandeur. Wasn't the wedding supposed to be of love and intimate? And definitely not this extravagant!!

But, I have no choice either. Being the single child of my family, I too will have rather a grand wedding. Thankfully, nothing over-the-top like this one. I honestly wish that my parents would give me the fund that they have saved up for my wedding and we would travel around the world with it. Instead, of going to unnecessary and boring ceremonies. And dress up. And photographs.

Apparently, we only get married once and I will have to look my best since it's a memory for lifetimes and lifetimes to follow. Urgh, can I just elope and run away?

My friend's wedding proved out to be the perfect reunion for us to meet most of our friends. After college, everyone got busy with their career and their master's. Busy with their lives and we all drifted away. This weekend bought us all together in the context of our friends.

 This weekend bought us all together in the context of our friends

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Everyone asked me about my engagement and about Arnav

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Everyone asked me about my engagement and about Arnav. And my feeling about my wedding.

I lied that I was happy with it, but the truth was - I don't know what and how I am feeling. I don't know whether I am happy with it. Urgh, why is life so complicated? Just five ago, all I worried about was my assignment deadlines and placements. And now, it's one of my major life decision. My wedding. My life partner.

What if Arnav is not the right one for me?

Honestly, where did the time go? I was just out of university excited about my first job and am now, getting married in 7 months. And not really excited about it.

Feels more like a chore and an event. Nothing like what I thought my wedding would be.

I thought I would be married for love. A simple and small ceremony. Just close friends and family. I would be married for love.

Only I didn't find one.

Now, I am getting married. Just that there is no love. Feels more like a duty to my parents and nothing to myself.

I remembered my granddad's words when my cousins told him about their girlfriend/boyfriend. Yep, he was such a chill granddad. In fact, he knew more about my cousin's relationship and love life, more than their parents themselves.

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