Chapter 4

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Arnav's POV

My parents really seemed to like Khushi and her family. Grandfather too, who normally doesn't jell with strangers easily, was smitten with her. Guess that the first meeting went well, so we are off to a great start. I guess. Honestly, I don't know anything anymore.

However, a week later, the astrologer who our aunt (my dad's brother's wife) recommended, said that our astrology profile doesn't match. Upon hearing that, our mother is now planning on not proceeding further and is checking out other possible matches for me. Our dad is checking with other astrologers for their opinion.

I tossed the entire night. What if this proposal gets checked? Do I have to go through this tortuous bride-hunting all over again? Especially when I really didn't mind Khushi as my bride???

(A month later)

One thing lead to another and here we are, set to get engaged in another three months. And, our marriage would be six months from then.

Things are happening and I am really not sure if I should be glad or worried about it.

Khushi's POV

I'm not afraid of getting married; I fear getting married to someone I can't share my silence with.

(A/N This above line is from Sadia Hakim's Instagram account. So, full credit to her.)

Growing up as a single child, I love to be left alone to my devices. As much as I love my friends and friends, sometimes they exhaust me and I prefer to be alone. I love to travel alone. Let no one influences my decisions and choices.

I love the silence in the beach, listening to the waves as they go back and fro. I love quiet walks with Scooby, with my Bluetooth headphones connected and zoned out to the songs of my choice, rather than endure my dad lecturing me about how to be a responsible adult.

I enjoy spending my weekend doing nothing and everything. Cuddled back on the couch with a good book. Cooking something new.

I enjoy the little things. What if Arnav doesn't?

What if my marriage ends up crappy like that of my cousin (who is getting a divorce after being married for 2 years).

Why do I have to grow up and be an adult? All I want to do is go back to university and worry about my assignments & examinations. Things that I have control over. Things that I have the stamp of approval for and are my decisions.

Where did the time go that I am all grown now for marriage?

Honestly, I feel like a child myself.

Marriage is scary. I have seen many marriages fail and crumple apart, despite being years together and all loved up. All this is making me feel like getting into marriage is maybe not my cup of tea.

I hope Arnav and I give each other some space and respect each other's differences. After all, marriages are not about just love, romance and house chores, and raising kids and stuff. Right? In books, they bring a peaceful and mindful experience of togetherness.

But, that's all fictional. What's the reality?

God alone knows what he was written in my destiny.

With all these thoughts running around my mind, I ended up burning my cake. Damn it!!

(A week later)

Khushi's dad's POV

My brother just called me and cried that his daughter is planning to divorce her husband. They have hardly been married for 2 years and they want a divorce!

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