not a chapter just a b'day wish

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Prongs.Potter and 37291 others have liked the post

Happy birthday 🎂 dear _Moon-Lily_, have a best birthday! And wish you the best for the future ❤️


Harry_Potter: Wow! Happy birthday _Moon-Lily_

Draco_Malfoy: Happy birthday!! Have the best day, just like i had my best day of life so far 😏😏

>>Harry_Potter: DRACO stop being pervert 😐


Gin.Weasley: Happy birthday love!! Wish you the best!

R.Weasley: Happy happy birthday @_Moon-Lily_

Prongs.Potter: You don't post about my birthday like this 😔

>>Lily.Potter: You're not a child, wish @_moon-lily_ birthday!

>>Prongs.Potter: Happy birthday dear!! @_moon-lily_

Padfoot.Is.Gay: Happy birthday!!!

Remus.Lupin: Happy birthday!

C.Diggory: Happy birthday 🎂🎈

A/N: Happy birthday to you  _Moon-Lily_, from me, Luna. (it's 9th June already where I live so...) Hope Lily's birthday wish for you made your day a little more better 😊💓

MODERN HOGWARTS: In Text And Posts. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora