🕷 09. | heroes

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Guess who finally hit puberty? Nico and Miles did. Nico hadn't cut his hair either, he was still letting it grow. right now he was currently shopping while searching for something since his mom was having a little event.

He hadn't come to the meeting that the teacher had set up with his principal, his mom was currently there and she had a angry somewhat calm look on her face.

"Crap, crap!" Nico had on his uniform while grabbing the items off the shelf hurriedly and gave them to the cashier, she was surprised and her eyes widened.

The girl had brown locks and a blush formed on her cheeks when she took a look at nico, he had a new piercing which was on his eyebrow.

Nico noticed how quiet it was and he looked up at her with a raised eyebrow, "..uh, I'm kind of in a hurry. do you mind? n-not to say it in a rude way! just please?"

The girl nodded and he looked down at her name tag: 'Macy'. he then looked up at her again, "Thanks, Macy." Nico said and gave her a friendly smile.

Macy face reddened extremely and her lips trembled as she looked at Nico's features, "No problem! it's my job." she replied.

Nico coughed and the silence came around again but it was comfortable, Macy couldn't help but think how cute Nico looked.

"My purse!" a lady yelled and this made Nico's spidey-senses go off and he hurried and grabbed the groceries off the counter, "Thank you." he told Macy.

She nodded and watched as nico ran out the store and into an alleyway, a blushed formed on her cheeks as she sighed dreamily.

Nico groaned tiredly as he sent a punch to the guys face, knocking him out. he fell to the ground and passed out, he made sure to cover his face as he handed the lady her purse.

Not having time he decided to go ahead and change his clothes, he made his way into his dorm and took his shirt off.

"No, no, no!" the groceries nearly fell out the window but luckily he caught them in time, his roommate watched with a raised eyebrow.

After Nico changed into a new pair of pants he was now only in his blue tie without a shirt, "Crap, mom is gonna kill me." he muttered to himself.

"Oh, is she?" he looked around to hear where the voice came from and looked up at the ceiling and saw you! you waved at him and he saw you hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"Hi, Nico." you waved with a small smile and let out a chuckle, "care for a web?" you held your hand out.

Nico looked over at the bag of groceries for a second before looking at you again.

Disregarding it he put on his suit rather quickly and took your hand, you were quickly to web out of the window and onto one of the building roofs.


After swinging for awhile through the streets of Brooklyn you decided to take a break and sit on one of the higher roofs of a business building. Nico made his way over to you and saw you hang upside down, basically levitating in a way.

Nico watched from a distance and sat down next to you, watching as you looked at the streets of Brooklyn. he followed your gaze and he looked as well.

"So...you always come up here?" Nico asked softly, "pretty nice spot if you ask me. haven't seen one like this in years."

You stayed silent and kept staring at the horizon but smiled, "Yeah. I do come up here a lot to clear my head." you answered.

Nico glanced at you for a minute and looked away, he stared at the horizon also.

I'm never going back,
never going back

Nico glanced over at you again before speaking, "I like it here. guess this could be my new comfort spot huh?" he chuckled, you just nodded.

you can't make me

You didn't glance at him but a smile formed on your lips, "I agree. but remember you only know about this spot because of me."

Never going back,
never going back

Nico nose scrunched and a grin was plastered on his lips as he looked down at his hands, "Yeah. I'll...I'll remember that."

you can't take me

Nico glanced at you once again and this time he didn't look away, it was like all the breath he had in him was caught in his throat. he noticed you still weren't glancing at him because of the sun setting.

I've got is these broken clocks

You then turned to nico to already see him looking away, a small blush formed on your cheeks. you slowly inched your hand closer to his.

ain't go no time

Nico noticed this but also notices that you weren't looking either, he slowly inched his hand closet as well.

burning daylight

That's when finally you felt his warm fingers engulf with yours as you both kept staring at the horizon.

You leaned your head on his shoulder and he leaned his head on yours.

Still love
And it's still love

Still love,
Still love still lovin'

Still love
It's still love

But it's still love

"I've always wanted to see the horizon like this." Nico said and smiled, "Well, now you've got your wish." You replied.

When you two looked at each other his breath hitched and so did yours, a soft smile graced your lips and the same happened with him.

but love for you

You glanced away and looked at the horizon once more, Nico did the same and glanced out into the horizon himself.

but love

but love


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