"I could have paid for that," Harry said as I rocked on my feet.

"Technically, you did," I laughed as I double pressed the side button and showed him my apple pay wallet, I had both my own blue card and Harry's silver American Express card on there.

"Good," Harry laughed as he pressed his lips to my head before the train stopped in front of us and people got off before the two in front of us were guided on into the front cart and I tried not to pout.

Harry held my hand tightly as we stepped up onto the metal grate after our tickets were clipped and I sat on the farthest side whilst Harry sat on the outside side of the bench and he pulled the bar down over our laps.

I dropped our tickets into my bag before I twisted around to see Nadia and Alexei behind us, the latter looking unamused and I stuck my tongue out at him before Harry pulled me back around.

"Why do you like this ride so much?" Harry asked the cart jerked and we started moving and I laughed at the little old woman figure with its head turning all the way around.

"I dunno," I said honestly. "I just like this kind of thing a lot, and since I've never been to Disney, I've never got to go on the real ride, this is the next best thing."

Harry nodded thoughtfully before he jumped and grabbed my hand as the lights turned red and ghoulish figures sprung up and I laughed at him.

"This isn't fun," Harry muttered but it didn't stop my laughter as the ride made its way through the dark building and I squeezed his hand as we went outside and I kept my eyes firmly pointed forward.

"Don't like this outside bit," I admitted just as another old woman all dressed in black sprung up towards and both Harry and I jumped again.

The arguably scariest part was when we came towards the end and one of the workers stepped in front of the train and I squeezed Harry's hand tightly before I laughed and rolled my eyes at myself.

The ride came to a complete stop and Harry pushed our bar up and I followed him off, my legs feeling a bit jelly like despite sitting down the whole time and we stopped walking just to the side and I looked around as Alexei tapped something out on his phone.

"Is anyone hungry?" Harry asked, "I could go for a drink."

"I can always eat," Alexei said and I looked at him in annoyance while Nadia just shrugged.

"Alright, thank you for all your opinions," Harry drawled. "I really enjoy this Christofi family trait that none of you can make decisions."

I laughed at Harry's sarcasm and nudged him, making him grin down at me before he decided on getting a coffee and maybe something to eat and we made our way through the crowds and around the big looping coaster.

I saw Harry eyeing up the giant wheel and I pressed my lips together, I wasn't going to draw attention to it in the hopes that Harry didn't get any ideas.

I had never been on it, and I wasn't planning to ever go on it.

"Are you coming home for Christmas?"

I stopped staring at the side of Harry's face in favour of looking to my right to smile at Nadia and I shook my head.

"I'm going to Surrey," I told her. "Harry's family are coming down."

"Have you met them before?" She asked and I nodded. "Really? Are they nice?"

"Yeah, I had lunch with them last month I think," I said, it was before we went on holiday but I couldn't remember when exactly. "They're really nice and very rich."

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