Trunks VS Silver

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It's a battle for the future two yellow transforming heroes from the future will battle it out to the death.


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Mario: Trunks, the half Saiyan Z Fighter.

Mega Man: And Silver, the telekinetic hedgehog.

Mario: Everyone has always wondered about what the future holds.

Mega Man: But in cases like this these two will try their best to make sure said future is bright. He's Mario and I'm Mega Man.

Mario: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

Future Trunks

Mario: The world was in complete total destruction, a par of 2 deadly Androids have terrorized the Earth leaving nothing but destruction in it's wake and countless lives in the population were lost.

Mega Man: And you wanna know the worst part is that everyone's favorite Saiyan, Goku was dead thanks to a heart illness.

Mario: Not only that but the rest of the Z Fighters all died trying to protect the Earth, however there was hope as 2 fighters never gave up despite all of the odds.

Mega Man: We've got Gohan who is Goku's son, and Vegeta's son Trunks.

Full name: Trunks Brief
Age: 32
Height: 170 cm | 5'7"
Weight: 60 kg | 132 lbs
Species: Sayian-Human
Son of Vegeta and Bulma
Trained by Gohan
Member of the Z Fighters

Mario: Born as a Saiyan-Human Hybrid, Trunks was practically born and saw along destruction so to counter this Trunks was taken under Gohan's wing.

Mega Man: Gohan taught him the ways of fighting and swordsmanship, these things come in handy.

Mario: Trunks would still fight alongside Gohan against the Androids until one day a battle proved to be Gohan's final act.

Abilities & arsenal
Z Sword
Brave Sword
Charging Rush
Rush Blast
Hyper Rush
Hyper Blast
High Strike
Rapid Sword Stream
Blazing Rush
Burning Breaker

Mega Man: Yeah basically Gohan decided to fight the Androids alone and they killed him with with almost little to no issue so by the time Trunks got there his mentor was dead at his feet.

Mario: This crushed Trunks and sent him into a pit of despair and anger.

Mega Man: But this actually got Trunks to awaken a hidden ability one of the most iconic transformations out there.

Mario: The Super Saiyan. A higher level of power that any Saiyan could ever reach.

Ki & God Ki
Ki blast
Burning attack
God Breaker
Buster Cannon
Burning Storm
Change the Future
Heat Dome Attack
Light Sword
Big Bang Attack
Galick Gun
Final Flash
Solar Flare
Spirit Bomb
Sword of Hope
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan Second Grade
Super Saiyan Third Grade
Super Saiyan Rage

Mega Man: I mean he was already a pro with slicing and dicing opponents with that badass sword of his, and like a Saiyan he can fly and can use Ki to use incredible blasts.

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