She sigh and shifted looking directly at me, "Camryn babe you just have to keep your head up in situations like these. Don't let him hurting you like this bring you down and keep you there. I know it's easier said then done but I know you. Your my best friend, the girl that can move mountains. My best friend who has been there from the beginning with me through my heart breaks. Now I'm here for you I will always be here don't worry you're not in this alone."

I smiled, "I know but it's hard and it hurts like hell. Why am I always the one to get hurt in the end. I love people and give them my all and they take it for granted and hurt me."

We sat there in silence for awhile. It started raining outside. Lightning split the sky right. The sunny clouds wee no more it looked gloomy and sad, the weather matched my mood perfectly. I got up and walked to the window I stared down at the people running through the rain.

"I just want to be happy for once with a person that loves me, where I don't have to worry about them hurting me."

I leaned against the window the rain came down faster than my tears. I wiped them away there's no use of cry when it can't change things. I went to the kitchen and grabbed another bottle of wine out the cupboard. I got two glasses and walked back to the couch where Jas was sitting.

I gave Jasmine a glass she grabbed it, I poured the wine. She took a small sip sitting her glass on the table,"Camryn you can't drown yourself in tears and wine". She grabbed the glass from me and sat it on the table.

"We have to do something to take your mind off of things ok". She stood up and walked to the door, "I'll be back to pick you up eight were going to the movies not excuses or questions asked."

She closed the door and left I guess she was right I can't keep doing this. I need to move on have fun. Maybe if I tried to be have fun for awhile I would be ok. I went upstairs and checked the rest of my messages. Issac texted me he said, "Camryn we need to talk about things please just listen that's all you have to do."

I clicked off my phone and decided I would take a nap I haven't been getting a lot sleep lately. I woke up to knocking at the door. I rushed down stairs to open it Jasmine was there texting on her phone, "You ready Cam." I went and grabbed my purse then I locked the door behind me.

As we walked to the car I asked,"What movie are we going to see tonight". She opened the car door and got in,"We are going to see Identity Thief it's a comedy."!I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows, "You know I love comedy's." We drove down the busy streets to the movie theater.

Jasmine and I walked through the doors I realized there were a lot of couples around. I instantly got sad I thought I seen Aiden but thank god it wasn't him. If I saw him I don't know what I would do. We waited in line to get our tickets.

Jasmine made me take selfies to make me feel better. It worked a little she always knew how to cheer me up. I bumped into a guy he looked oddly familiar. The guy hair was a dirty blonde, he had these bright green eyes. With a killer smile that seemed all too familiar.

I could have sworn I had seen him before. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you."

He smiled, "No I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I going but enjoy your movie." The guy walked away but he kept looking back.

I couldn't put my finger on it but I think I had seen him before somewhere it's been awhile though. Jasmine grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the candy counter. She order a large popcorn, two large sodas, some ice cream dips for me and sour patch candy for her. I swiped my card we grabbed all our stuff and headed towards the theater.

We sat at the very top so we could have the best view. The previews showed on the screen I turned off my phone so it wouldn't ring. Jasmine had a mouth full of popcorn and the movie didn't even start yet.

After the movie my side were aching we laughed so much I was nearly in tears through the first half of the movie. Especially when Diana and Sandy were in the hotel room he hid in the bathroom the whole time covering his ears. Jasmine spit half her soda on the people in front of us laughing at that part. It was hilarious the whole movie theater was cracking up.

I checked the time it was ten o'clock I had to go to class early tomorrow morning. When we were in the car I started singing, "My milkshake bring all the boys in the yard"Jasmine started dying laughing. That movie will forever be one of the funniest comedies I've seen in along time.

Jasmine dropped me off home and said she'll be over right after I get out of class we where having lunch at a cafe. I kicked off my shoes and climbed the stairs. That movie was hilarious I'm have to give it to Melissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman they are two funny as people.

I got up stairs and plopped down on the bed I was tired and sleepy. I feel a lot better than I was a couple of days ago.I remember when all I did was cry and drink every hour, then sit in the dark asking God why. I still miss Aiden it doesn't feel right not seeing and talking to him. I reached over and smelled the pillow he slept on his scent still was there. I wished he was here laying down next to me. I wish that I could forgive and forget what happened and what he did. I'm just going to move on with my life people come and go life moves on. My love for Aiden will always be the same.

A/N: I love Sam smith so much I thought this song would go great with this chapter :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter of The Club Guy!! Don't forget to vote and leave comments Thanks guys !!

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