The Shooting

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This isn't the cannon shooting.

Yn woke up in the morning and immediately noticed it was dark andcthe bed felt off. He turned to his right to see the silhouette of a sleeping Addy, and then turned to his left only to find that Amelia's side was empty. Yn pouted and started to get upset before he heard the toilet flush. A minute later Amelia came out of the bathroom looking ready to go to work and saw yn sitting up looking at her. "Hey sweetie, why are you up?" She asked, sitting down next to yn amd wrapping her arms around him. "Missed 'ou." Yn mumbled, smelling her sweet perfume.

"You and Addy don't have to wake up until 5:30, so you get to have two more hours to sleep, okay? I have to go to work." Amelia said, kissing the top of his head and getting up. "Mama has good day!" Yn said and waved as Amelia walked out of the room smiling. He layed back down and cuddled into Addy, already missing the feeling of being in Amelia's arms.

Yn woke up again at 5:30, hearing the alarm go off. He got out of bed and stretched before going to bed dressed and heading to the kitchen. "Good morning Yn, sleep well?" Addison asked, flipping an egg on the stove.

"Yeah, thanks for letting sleep in your bed lately, I know I need to move back into the guest room."

"It's no problem, Amelia and I actually enjoy having you in out bed so we know your safe, plus your basically a big stuffed animal."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Ym chuckled and pulled out his cell phone.

"Good, I meant it as one!" Addison said back and plated the food, then placed one in front of Yn and herself. Yn ate half of his food and then pushed his plate away.

"Ah-ah baby you gotta est more." Addison said, pushing it back towards him.

"No wanna.." yn said, pushing it back away from him and crossing his arms.

"If you don't want to finish your food I'm gonna put you in a timeout." Addison said calmly. Yn didn't budge so Addison picked him up and set him in the corner. "Stay here for 5 minutes yn, then come and finish your food."

After the 5 minutes was up Addison walked over and knelt on the ground next to yn.  "Are you ready to finish your breakfast?" She asked, turning yn around. "Looked at her, tears streaming down his face and shakily nodded. Addison gasped and picked him up immediately. "Baby why are you crying? Whats wrong?"

"N-nuffin',  it's jus' my old dom would h-hit me a-an' I was scared you' h-hit me to." Yn said, trying to calm down. Addison started bouncing yn around and patting his back lightly.

"Baby I would never. I'm so sorry your old dom treated you like that you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry I made a fuss over breakfast." Yn said and rested his head in Addy's neck.

"It's alright, I woke make you finish it today, okay? Let's just get to work." Addy said and left the dishes on the table, grabbing her purse and his car keys and heading out the door. She placed Yn in the back seat and buckled him, then got into the driver's seat. "You okay?" Addy asked, pulling out of the driveway and looking in the rear view mirror.

"Mhm.." yn mumbled around the pacifier that he'd found stuffed in his pocket. Addy smiled and turned her eyes back to the road as she drove to work.

At work theu went inside and went to their respective areas, but about two hours later the lockdown alarm sounded. The P.A. system started blaring, "This is NOT a drill, there's an active shooter in the hospital, please get some where safe. I repeat.."

Addison was in the ICU checking on a 12 week pregnant woman when she heard the P.A. go off. She ducked into an on call room with about two other people and Locked the door. Amelia was in the middle of a craniotemy and got a resident to lock the OR doors, then tried not to panic as she thought about Addison and Yn. Yn was in the trauma center and quickly ducked under a receptionist desk with Derek and Meredith.

Derek was conforting Meredith when he heard whimpering from in front of him. He looked up and saw yn in a ball trying not to cry. He motioned for Yn to come towards him and yn scooted into his free arm and let him try to comfort him.

S.W.A.T. started to close out each floor, and Addy was one of the first people out. Soon the Second floor people came out, then the third, and finally the fourth, but neither Yn or Amelia had come out yet. She grabbed a passing S.WA.T. team member and told him, "There's still at least two people in there." He nodded and radioed his men before saying, " There's still two surgeons in O.R. two and four.

It had been around two hours, and most people had left, except for Bailey, Addison, and the S.W.A.T. team.

"Bailey why are you still here?" Addison asked, turning to her. "Until every surgeon comes out of that hospital, I'm going to stay here." She said, looking Addy.

"As far as I know, Derek, Meredith, Yn, Amelia, Link, Teddy, and the surgical staff in the O.R.'s being used are all that's left." Bailey muttered and shifted her weight from foot to foot.

O.R. four soon came oit amd Bailey sighed in relief, bur Addison was still panicking becuase Yn and Amelia hadn't come out yet. Next came O.R. two, and Addy rushed to Amelia and embraced her in a hug. "I'm so glad your okay babe oh my gosh, never scare me like that again!" Addy said. Amelia hugged her back and stayed like that for a while, them they finally let go. "Where's Yn?" Amelia asked concerned. "Derek, Meredith, and Yn are still missing." Addison said.

About an hour later S.W.A.T. finally found Derek, Meredith, and Yn. Bailey finally went home, and Addy and Amelia rushed to Yn. "Baby oh my gosh why couldn't they find you? Are you alright are you hurt?" They both said relieved.

"I'm fine I'm fine, are you two okay? I was so worried something had happened to you!" Yn said, hugging them back and then letting go to walk to the car.

"We're okay, I think we defined need a day off after this though." Amelia said and laughed. Addy and Yn both agreed and got into the car and drove home.

At bedtime, Yn had gotten into his own bed and was getting ready to go to sleep when Amelia and Addison came into the room. "Are you alright, your not little?" Addy said concerned. "Yeah, I know we all were just super stressed out and worried, and I shouldn't be little for a while so I sont put more stress on you guys." Yn said, sitting up.

"Sweetie no, you cope using little space, and Addy and I cope by being a dom. You shouldn't ever feel bad for being little yn, we love taking care of you." Amelia said. Yn smiled and scooted over to sit in Amelia's lap. "Alright you two, bedtime." Addy said and picked yn up off of Amelia's lap and brought him to their bed. Amelia followed them and soon they were all fast asleep, cuddling eachother contently and happily.

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