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Yn woke up the next morning still feeling little, and poked Addy and Amelia until they woke up. "Yes baby?" Addy asked, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Amelia followed suit and instead of rubbing her eyes she yawned. "B'eakfast?" Yn said, cocking his head and looking them cutely. Addy cooed at him, making him blush, and Amelia patted his head then got out of bed to make breakfast. Yn whined but Addy picked him up and settled him on her hip as she got up and headed to the kitchen to help with breakfast.

She set yn down on the floor in front of the TV and turned in on for him before walking into the kitchen. Yn started to suck on his thumb but remembered what Amelia said and stood up to go find his paci. He found it quickly and sat back down on the floor to watch TV for about thirty minutes before Addy yet again picked yn and set him in a kitchen chair. They all ate their food and then went to work for the day.

After work they went home and ate dinner, then went to watch TV. Yn sat on the floor again and played with his fingers for a while before deciding he was bored and sat on the couch between Addison and Amelia. He played with Addison's hands for a while, tugging her fingers and feeling the rings on her hands before deciding he was bored of that too and turned to Amelia. "Mama get Wabbit p'ease." Yn said. Amelia was shocked yn called her mama again and Addison looked over at her and smiled. "You want mama to get your rabbit?" She asked. "Mhm!" Yn hummed happily. Amelia sprouted a toothy grin and got up to get his rabbit.

Once she got back yn giggled and played with the stuffie for a while before Addison playfully said, "Why does Amelia get to be mama?" Before Amelia could say anything, Yn replied, "Because your mommy." Addy grinned and hugged yn. Amelia soon joined in and soon yn was gasping for air. " 'ou guys hug to tight." He said. Addy and Amelia giggled before they heard thunder. "It must be raining again." Amelia said. Addy looked down and saw yn had hopped in her lap and was hiding his face in her chest.

"You okay sweetie?" Addy asked, stroking yn's hair. "Scawy." Is all yn said back, still terrified.

"It's alright honey, we won't let it hurt you." Amelia said, rubbing his back. Yn relaxed a little but still wouldn't let go of Addison. "Shhh.. it's okay.." Addy said. She picked up yn and carried him to their bedroom, then layed down with him on the bed. "No wan' s'eep." Yn mumbled. "You have to sleep, okay? The thunder won't hurt you." Addy replied, holding him close. "You an' mama safe to?" He asked again.

"Yep." Addy said, smiling a little at yn's worriedness.

"Where mama?"

"Mama's coming right now, she's probably just going to brush her teeth is all."

"I yuv 'ou mommy." Yn said, cuddling into Addison.

"I love you to." Addison replied. Just then Amelia walked in and layed down next to them.

"Nuh-nite, luv 'ou mama." Yn yawned.

Amelia said she loved him to and then they both said goodnight, and soon they were all asleep.

Three Halves Make A Wholeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن