Move In!

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In the morning Addy woke up and found yn had moved off of her and onto Amelia, who was smiling in her sleep. Addy cooed and woke them up slowly. "Good morning you two." She said as Yn got off of Amelia, who sat up with a groan. Yn stood up and stretched, then walked out without saying good morning. "Is he upset? Addy asked Amelia. "No I dont think so." She replied. They dollowed Yn to the locker rooms and walked in after him.

Yn had taken his shirt off and was applying deodorant when Addison and Amelia came in.

"Are you upset with us?" Amelia asked, frowning.

"No, why would I be upset?" Yn asked, putting using deodorant back in his locker.

"You didn't day good morning.." Amelia mumbled, feeling stupid for asking.

"Ohh, I'm sorry, good morning!" Yn said, walking over and giving Amelia a hug. Addy soon joined in and yn shivered. "Sorry sweetie, put your shirt on, then we can go home." Addy said letting go after Amelia.

Yn tugged his shirt on and held both of their hands, walking out to the parking lot and getting into the car with them. It was silent for a couple of minutes then Yn spoke up. "Hey, so I wanted to talk to you guys. The lease on my apartment ends tomorrow and I want to know if I should renew it or not."

"You want to move in with us?" Addy asked.

"Yeah, if that's alright with you guys." Yn replied, looking down shyly.

"Of course!." Both Amelia and Addy said. "As long as your comfortable with it we would both love it."

"Yes I want to!" Yn said exitedly.

"Amelia and I are off, and your only On-call, so we could move your stuff in today of its not to soon." Addy said. Yn agreed and soon they were at his apartment after picking up boxes.

"The bed, frame, and kitchen stuff all belongs to the landlord, so there shouldn't be to much to move, and I dont want either of you lofimg anything heavy. Not because I think you can't do it but because I don't want you getting hurt." Yn said, taping the bottom of a box. Addison smiled and Amelia nodded her head in agreement.

Most of the boxes had been moved, and both women were in the car waiting for yn to grab the final box. Yn reached under his bed and grabbed a shoe box, carrying it back to the car before getting in.

"What's in there?" Amelia asked.

"Nothing!" Yn said and shoved the box onto the floor. Addy and Amelia looked at eachother but didn't day anything. Addison started to drive home and yn closed his eyes, exhausted from all the lifting.

They reached home and Yn tiredly got out of the car and unloaded all of the boxes. After he has set them in the living room, he promptly passed out on the floor next to the couch. Addison and Amelia rushed to him thinking something was wrong, but quickly realized he was just sleeping and laughed.

"He did miss his nap." Amelia said.

"It's only 3 P.M., I suppose he could sleep for a few hours, but laying on the floor can't be comfortable." Addy replied. Amelia shrugged and took a pillow off of the couch then placed it under Yn's head, finally letting him rest comfortably.

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