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The kingdom was celebrating, in every corner of the seven kingdoms the birth of the eldest daughter of Prince Viserys with his wife Aemma was being celebrated

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The kingdom was celebrating, in every corner of the seven kingdoms the birth of the eldest daughter of Prince Viserys with his wife Aemma was being celebrated. The little girl had been born when the first rays of the sun were just beginning to light up the sky, just at the time of day that her mother preferred. She had violet eyes and her hair was a combination of the purest gold and silver her parents had ever seen, she was the perfect girl. King Jahaerys himself was delighted with the girl calling her the light of the Targryens and showering her with gifts every chance he got, no one could blame him, the birth of a Targaryen ensured the family's position on the throne, and the power that they had in the seven kingdoms. That is why it was celebrated without skimping on expenses.

Prince Viserys and his wife had named her Cerys Targaryen to symbolize all the love she had received as soon as she was born, wishing that in the future she would be just as loved by the people of the seven kingdoms. The only person who seemed to be upset with the birth of Cerys was Viserys' younger brother, Daemon, who had refused to see his niece when she was born and after seeing her for the first time began to avoid her as without the child she had some kind of of disease. In Aemma's eyes Daemon's behavior was funny, it was clear to her that he dreamed of sitting on the iron throne when he was old enough, but the birth of more Targaryens only pushed him down the line of succession, for that avoided bonding with any of the children. She was beginning to think that Daemon was planning to kill his entire family in order to sit on the throne, but she didn't think he was capable of such a thing, at least now, maybe in the future.

"Do you think Daemon will accept Cerys?" Aemma looked at her husband from the bed where she was resting with the girl.

-Daemon just needs time- Viserys put down the book he was reading to look at his wife-, you know how he is.

Aemma's gaze fell on her daughter's sleeping face, in her eyes it was impossible not to love Cerys. She was a quiet baby compared to those who were born before her in the family, for all she would become a well-mannered "lady" worthy of leading a house. Of course, as she got older, all traces of tranquility were erased and her parents began to think that Cerys would be a headache for the family when she grew up.

The change in Cerys's attitude came when her sister was born, little Rhaenyra had come into the world when Cerys was five years old, making her an older sister. Aemma had been worried at first because "her girl" was still too young to understand that now she would have to share everything, but to her surprise Cerys was totally delighted with Rhaenyra and instead of sharing her things, she let her sister keep everything. . As the girls grew they became more and more inseparable and the older of the two replaced her kindness with hostility towards those who said something bad about her sister, going so far as to hit a couple of boys. It was very strange to see Cerys without Rhaenyra following her like a duckling following its mother, everyone found it too cute that the sisters were so close, everyone except Daemon.

burning fire. (daemon targaryen) original story of zugaritas (PAUSED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum