He wants to sleep so bad right now but can't!

Hyungsik who was driving the car, kept looking at Tae from the mirror and spoke

Hyungsik: You can sleep Young master, I'll wake you up when we'll reach 

Tae: no it's fine, I can't sleep yet

Tae said still keeping his eyes closed while Hyungsik nodded his head and focused on road. 

In no time they reached the mansion and was met by an unpleasant sight

Jeon Yoona! A lady feared by whole South Korea was laying lifeless on floor while Maids where trying to get her up. 

Taehyung widen his eyes and rushed towards Yoona


Miad: madam was badly drunk when she came, She was shouting and throwing things in anger. We tried to stop her but she - uh 

Tae: She what?

Maid: she passed out

The maid said the truth... well the half truth as she hided the part where Yoona shooted on of a maid out of anger

such information should be hided from Taehyung because of his mental health

Tae: Call the damn doctor

Maid: we did!

The guards took Yoona inside her room while Taehyung gripped on his hairs!

This isn't the first time something happened like this with Yoona! Since past 8-9 months everybody has witnessed this changes in her. 

she barely visit home which was normal but what wasn't normal was she being irresponsible towards the company

she hasn't been showing interest in work and that was causing downfall at Jeon Corporations!

Since Jeonhyun's death, Yoona has taken the best care of that company but now everything is falling apart! 

The lady's health condition doesn't seem right as she's always drinking and getting sick to death!

She doesn't even listen to Yoongi who's trying his best to save her sister! Doctors has strictly instructed her to be away from alcohol and intake her medicines regularly. 

Soon the doctor arrived as guards took him towards Yoona's room!

Taehyung sighed and sat on sofa still being in his school uniform

He found Hyungsik standing still at the corner 

Tae: you can go

Hyungsik shooked his head and walked towards Taehyung

Hyungsik: It's my duty to accompany you even at your house

Taehyung again sighed and closed his eyes!

Hyungsik: you should change have rest young master

Tae: Uh - I've some work left after that I'll sleep

Hyungsik nodded

Taehyung got up and went upstairs to take a relaxing shower

after shower Taehyung got dressed into comfortable cloths and sat on his study table.

He got a lot of homework today which we'll take a lot of time, he can't rest right now

Taking out his book, Taehyung started doing homework when he heard a knock on his door

Tae: come in

Hyungsik, who had a tray in his hand walked in and kept the plates on table

Hyungsik: Master, have fruits

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