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"We were there, too, Senator." Echo said. "I can be your witness." I blinked at the cyborg clone on my right. He had volunteered to testify in front of the entire Imperial Senate so quickly...it caught me off guard. Echo isn't ignorant; he would know just like the rest of us that he would become a target himself and could be easily gunned down like Slip. But then again, Echo has always been willing to do the right thing and help his brothers outside Clone Force 99; he was even willing to lay down his life on the line...

"...is another way to provide the Senate with the evidence of the Empire's crimes." I snapped back to reality when Rex detailed our 'covert' mission. "The command log on Rampart's Venator. Slip made a copy of it on the ship's backup data banks."

"Where's the Venator now?" Wrecker asked.

"Being retrofitted at the Imperial shipyard." Rex confirmed. "right here on Coruscant. Lots of security, but I know a way in."

"Rampart's Defense Recruitment Bill goes to a vote tomorrow." Riyo explained with a sense of urgency. She pounded her fist into her palm with determination. "We must prove his crimes before it passes. I'll return to the Senate and garner support where I can."

"You could still be in danger." Rex said, warily.

"She won't be alone." I nodded. "Half-Pint and I will stay with her and protect her."

Riyo's eyes shone with gratitude, but then sighed, "You can't enter the Senate district without an Imperial security clearance."

"That will not be a problem." Tech assured.


Everything was arranged before Omega and I parted from Rex, Hunter, and the others. Riyo had her personal guards bring clothes for me and the young girl. While Omega could blend in with nothing more than a Pantoran-designed poncho to cover her plasma bow, I required a more conformed disguise — Pantoran servant attire that consisted of a long grey-blue tunic with full sleeves and was long enough to hide my vibro knife on my belt. I had to change my boots to soft ankle slippers. I also wore a gold headpiece with a mesh attached to the front to shroud my face. My long braid was tucked under the thin cloak fastened over my shoulders.

While I had cruised by it many times over the course of the war, I had never been inside the Senate Headquaters. Omega and I followed behind Riyo and her guards through the carpeted corridors. The senator had taught me the proper conduct of a servant so I would not stand out: head bowed, hands folded, and merely a foot away at all times for her every whim. Omega strolled alongside her, asking her what the position of 'senator' entails, but the young girl was having difficulty comprehending the politics. Riyo, patient as ever, smiled and told her she will understand a little better once we all reached our next destination.

"Senator Chuchi," a familiar, suave voice called.

I raised my head ever so slightly to see none other than Vice Admiral Rampart himself approaching us in the opposite direction. I quickly dipped my chin down, hoping my veil concealed my face enough. I sucked in my lips so I wouldn't make a sound. My heart thumped against my ribcage as nervousness crept up my spine. Knowing he worked with Athena, just noticing my physical features would betray my identity. He and I had also met before, when Hunter and I were captured by Crosshair and brought to Tipoca City only an hour before it was destroyed, so it was also possible he could recognize my voice. I stared down at his feet and I dared not meet his gaze.

"You seem surprised to see me, Admiral." Riyo conversed with the Imperial.

"Not at all." he stated. "I was just making a few preparations for tomorrow's vote."

"Indeed, I am looking forward to it." Riyo nodded politely.

Something more apparent must have caught his attention for he wisped, "If you'll excuse me," before manuevering passed me to continue down the corridor. Our shoulders brushed and he stopped to briefly bow to me with gentleman-like ethics. "Apologies, Miss. Good day."

Once he was gone, Riyo and I sighed with relief. I watched both our shoulders relax after the intense, yet simple interaction. and we all proceeded to what would end up being the grand Senate Chamber Room. Designed like an open-air stadium, its cone-like frame stretched high above our heads — a glass facade allowed natural light to spill into the facility. At the bottom was a flat, clear space with a closed portal in the center. My guess was that was where the highest authoritative members, including the Emperor himself, would rise to address the vast council. Spiraling from ceiling to floor in symmetrical lines were thousands of pod stations — each one belonged to a specfic representative and senator member of a planet and/or system in the entire galaxy.

"Which one belongs to the clones?" Omega asked curiously, leaning over the edge of the pod we stood in to spot it once pointed out.

"Clones do not have representation in the Senate." Riyo simply stated. "They never have."

"Why not? We're part of this galaxy, too."

"There are many in this galaxy who view clones only as military assets, Half-Pint." I sighed, temporaily removing the mesh shrouding my face. "I've explained this to you before. Those sorts of people also include politicians—the ones who could really make a difference for our futures, for better or for worse."

"And I am working to assure it is for the better." Riyo nodded, placing her hand over her heart as a promise. "I want to ensure you all have the same rights as any galatic citizen. I believe it is a battle worth fighting."

"And we are grateful, my Lady." I smiled.

Suddenly, an R2 unit droid appeared and beeped a message for Riyo. Understanding the binary language, I gasped when it delivered a request from Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan to meet with her. The Pantoran met my eyes in thought. My lips cheeked a grin. "I've not seen him in quite some time. I would like to say hello, at least."

"Say hello to whom?" Omega questioned.

"An old friend." I stated, and then placed a hand on Riyo's shoulder. "Don't worry, we can keep a secret, right Half-Pint? You cannot pass up this message simply because we are here. There is too much at risk as it is."

"It is like I said before, Fern: it actually comforts me you are here." the senator smiled. "I've never felt safer until you arrived."

"And it is like I said, Riyo: you have nothing to worry about anymore. Omega and I are here to protect you. If Senator Organa is involved, then I have no doubt he will have very useful information for you, as well."

"Let's hope you are right." The young Pandoran woman lowered his head in thought.

I quickly grasped her hands, as she did when we first reunited and stooped down to her eye level. "Have I ever let you down before, my Lady?" She shook her head and forced a smile. She then looked to Omega. "Alright, let's head to the meeting point. I would not want to keep Senator Organa waiting."

FORESIGHT and SCOPE: BOOK TWOHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin