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"Your arrival here in Korea made a big crowd, what did you feel?"

"I am very glad to have people who have supported my career and music until now! It is indeed a stress reliever for artists"




"And now the last question, who do you expect to see in INKIGAYO later?"

"My Hybe former colleagues! Most especially Minji, Hanni, Hyein, and... "


The interview ended.

Danielle was about to go to her room backstage when a sudden voice called out to her. She lifts her head from looking down as she sees Hyein and Minji waving at her.

The two made Danielle form a smile, she walks up to them excitingly.

"Don't tell me you two were watching the interview?"

"We were! Unnie it's been two years since we last saw you. We thought we could never see you again!" Hyein replies with her hands placed on Danielle's shoulders.

"I'm glad you came back" Minji adds

"Aw! Minji looks like you still care for us"

"And it looks like you never changed your cringe jokes"

"I wasn't joking!"

Danielle continues in a panic tone

"Ah, I have to go change for the performance, let's meet later outside?"

"Sure! Good luck with your performance!"

"You too Hyein, and congratulations Minji!"


Danielle is now in her room backstage. With the stylists around her, they finished her makeup and hairstyle fast. While she was getting managed, the stylists would greet her welcome with a smile and make her laugh. Danielle felt special for a moment.


One hour passed, and Danielle successfully outdid the increase of claps and shouts of the audience. 


As she walks back to backstage, she sees four people standing just a meter away from her.



She was met by Hanni's and Hyein's embrace, returning the hug as the other two just stands up and watch them, one with a parent smile and one with an unexplained face.

Danielle looks over at Minji's shoulder, seeing Haerin looking in another direction. Instead of feeling butterflies in her stomach, a painful one formed. Though she was glad they did not make any eye contact because it would be awkward for them.

Minji starts

"Now that we're finished here, let's go eat dinner tonight?"


The three except one replied


They arrived at Minji's home. Danielle did not expect Minji's shelter to be this big for a penthouse.

"So we're continuing our sleepover?!" Hyein asks in an excited tone

Minji replies "Mhm, haven't done this for long"

Hanni grins at the older, adding "You were lonely these past few days and you never told me."

"Gosh stop being dramatic, it's not like we don't see each other everyday" Minji asks

"Are you courting Hanni unnie right now? I wasn't informed" Danielle jokingly gasps at Hyein's sudden question

"Yah! Stop the jokes. We're here" 

And now they are inside Minji's penthouse. 

"Make yourselves at home" Minji says as she sits in the sofa with Hanni beside her

"Hey may I go upstairs?! Real talk, this is my first time inside a penthouse!"


That leaves Haerin and Danielle beside each other, awkward and silent. 

Minji then tries conversing "So.. How's going between you-"

Hanni hits Minji in the arms as she stops what the latter's about to say

Hanni then starts "Since this is a sleepover, why don't we watch a movie?"

"Sure! Do you guys want to watch a romance movie?" Danielle responds to the question making Minji sigh in relief. On the other hand, Haerin stays quiet.

"Yes! Shall we try Beyond the Universe? I heard it had a happy ending"


"Hyein! Come down here, we'll watch a movie"

different from the rest, far above the others | DaerinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt