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12 am in the midnight

Hanni, Hyein and Minji fell asleep fast as they sit beside each other, soundly.

While the two other members decide to continue the movie with Danielle taking a glimpse of Haerin every minute without getting caught. The older would try to focus on the movie, being distracted by the feeling of their arms brushing against each other. Tension rises between them. She would curse herself to not move an inch, wanting no comments from the other.

On the other hand, Haerin stays silent as she feels an arm touching hers. She keeps a not-so-satisfied smile as she hides herself from the thought of Danielle beside her. One hour passed, she feels the older covering her face, hiding the tears coming down her cheek. Although Danielle tries to not make a sound while she tears up from the movie.

"You aren't going to sleep yet?"
Haerin asks

"Yes.. I'm not feeling sleepy at all" the older replies,

"You?" she adds

"Yeah same. Today's performance was great. And I'm also glad... To see you again" The younger looks down after seeing the older, hiding the heat on her cheeks. She swore that she still want to cup those cheeks and make her feel special.

Danielle chuckles at the words Haerin said. She misses the gentle voice that made her feel at ease everytime the younger talks.

"How are you? How was living in Australia?"

"I had a lot of fun in my home country of course. I never expected my career to be a successful after our separation- I mean the disbandment"

"That's cool, for that I'm proud of you"

Danielle remembers the way Haerin compliments her. It would either be funny or cute.

"How about you? Here?"

Haerin answers "Well to be honest, not quite.. Fine. Just a lot of work and pressure. But seeing you guys at least made me feel free"

"That's so like you Haerin. I'm glad you agreed to take a sleepover with us."

"Of course, nothing will replace my happiness which is the four of you"
Much as she wanted to say that Danielle was the one to make her feel free, she couldn't.

"Cheesy as always" Danielle lets out a giggle

"Yah! At least I'm honest"

"Sure you are"

And then the quiet atmosphere has appeared once again between them. They both look away from each other to prevent glances from the other.

Haerin then destroys the silence with hesitation

"Hey.. About the thing that happened between us two years ago. I hope you wouldn't mind. I simply want a friendship with no conflict. I promise I'll do better. It was all my fault that time. I was not honest with you"

Haerin looks at Danielle in the eyes

No response




"Don't worry, I already forgot about that. It was.. Just silly" Danielle chuckles. She hides the painful truth behind her fake smile.

Suddenly, she remembered the younger's voice and tone that 'day'


"As much as I want to, I can't."

"What do you mean you can't!? You promised me we're in this together. Haerin, you promised."

"Danielle, please understand. You know we can't do this in front of the public. Few may know some things suspicious between us but in the future it will spread! And besides I don't want you to-"

"Want me to get embarrassed!? Like hell I will! Damn those haters I won't even care a single shit about them. You told that to me!

"A-and I saw, I witnessed you saying that you'd be by my side in front of my face!"

Were they all a lie? Oh Haerin, don't tell me we're fighting over this stupid argument again." Danielle adds

"They were all a lie."

"What? Pardon? This is the time to not joke. Did I hear them correctly-"

"Yes, yes Danielle, those were lies. All of it are, I genuinely was playing around. Now if you may excuse me." Haerin held the tears back knowing that she was not the type of person to admit such thing. She walked away, leaving the older without any farewell or goodbye.

After that, Haerin never came back to tell Danielle that those weren't her intentions. It was her way of protecting the other from the threats she believed would increase if they keep in touch with other more.

Despite Haerin being honest, Danielle fought back the tears that are about to fall down her cheek.

Clenching her hands into fists, she swore to herself

"I don't believe you"

different from the rest, far above the others | DaerinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora