I ain't perfect

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             "I'll handle this unnie, you must be tired from the shoot"

Haerin decides to wash the dishes, knowing that Minji, her older member is tired from the music video shoot.

           "Thank you Haerin-ah, turn off the lights after, okay? Good night."

             "Good night Minji Unnie"

Minji forms a smile at Haerin before leaving the kitchen. Haerin finishes doing the dishes and makes sure that she turned off the lights after leaving. She yawns as she walks to her room quietly, not wanting to wake a sleepyhead inside.

Haerin silently opens the door, trying to not make a sound on the door knob. She heaved a sigh with a giggle, seeing a sleeping figure in her bed, snoring softly on the side.

The younger walks to the bed, placing a blanket on the older's as she slowly lay in bed, looking at the face of the other girl who's sleeping nice and soft.

"We've come this far, haven't we?" She whispers

Haerin places an arm around Danielle's waist, pulling herself closer to her. Their foreheads are about to touch each other as she wants more of the older one. 

She places a hand on the cheek of the latter feeling the warmth of Danielle's breath kissing her skin which makes her fall even more. 

Haerin admires the beauty of the older

"Didn't anyone tell you how cute you are when sleeping?"

Haerin can't think straight any further. Of course, feeling surreal in these situations is common.

But the fact that she was beside Danielle Marsh, the person she has liked for three years now, feels like a dream she wouldn't want to wake up from.

"It does feel like a dream, sleeping next to you."

Before she close her eyes, she made sure to kiss Danielle on the forehead.

"Good night and sweet dreams, unnie"


There you are, beautiful, quietly

The scent of perfume stays as their love always did.

Sleepin' on the bed we made right next to me

Little did Haerin know..

Feels like a dream

Danielle was listening the whole time.

Only a dream


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