-Chapter 7- cuddles

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He broke the kiss by pulling back. His teeth aren't actually as sharp as i thought. When i realized what i actually just did, i felt how my weeks flushed. I saw how he quickly hid in the crook of my neck. "Ts your an idiot" he whispered in my skin. "Yeah i know" i said with a smirk.

He slowly let go of my hands. "Im still sorry you know" he said, putting his arms around my waist. "Oh shut up, im the one who is supposed to say sorry," i hugged him slowly back, we stood there for more than a minute now.

"So, you're my soulmate huh" he said breaking the silence. "Don't even think that i got soft or whatever, or will go on cheesy dates with you, Shitty hair." Tch idiot, i felt how my eyes suddenly became heavier them before. "Hmm, can we go to bed?" I asked with a tired tone, and softly putting my head on his. "Sure, tonight's been way to stressful, for the both of us." He had a calm tone. We got out of our arms and now walked towards our dorms. Finally arrived i straight up got to my dorm, "mh? Where are you going idiot?" I asked Kirishima as he wanted to open his door. "Huh?"

"Oh hell no, your gonna sleep with me. No matter what you say." I said as i grabbed his wrist and pulled him into my room. "Uh Bakugo, i can walk by myself." He said trying not to trip. I let go and he closed the door, after the door was completely shut i picked him up and got to my bed. "Hey! Let me down please!" He said squirming around, as he accepted his fate, he stopped moving and held onto me. Finally at my bed i slowly put him down onto the soft mattress. I got in, and put my arms around his hips and pulled him as close as i can. I hid my face into the crook of his neck and put my leg over his. "Ts how am I supposed to believe that your not a softie now." He said sarcastically.

"Mh shut up" i said calm. "Mhhh, your so goddamn warm." I pushed my face and my body even closer to his and hugged him tighter. "Naww, your like a cat! That's so sweet." He said while finally also clinging onto me. "Shut up, 'm not a damn cat,"

"Bakugo? Do you- like actually love me? Or i don't know, better to ask would you also love me even if this whole soulmate stuff wouldn't exist?" Red asked out of the blue, wich made me look over to him. He had a more sad expression then before. "What are you talking about?" I said while deeply looking into his sweet red eyes. "Ugh yeah probably." I said rolling my eyes and returning into his neck again. "Can you say it for me?" He asked. "Tch, I love you idiot." I said quietly but he was still able to hear it. "I love you too Katsuki." He said with a smile on his face.

_The End<3_

If y'all want another chapter i could do one, you guys can give me ideas if you want to, too. This was btw more of trying new things out. Anyways BYEEEE

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