-Chaoter 2- Movie

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I opened my closet and took out dark-red sweatpants, and changed into them. i also put on the Tanktop. I quickly checked my phone in case someone texted me, but there was no notification.

Luckily, today we didn't have any homework. After putting my phone into my pocket, i quickly looked at how my hair was and put a bandana on my head. Then i got out of my room and leaned against the wall, waiting for Bakugo to get ready.

After about 2 more minutes of staring at the other wall, i got interrupted by an angry looking blond opening his door. "Hey Man, finally ready, huh?" I said, looking at him with a smile. "Tch" was the only thing that came out of him as he closed his door and started walking to the stairs.

I quickly walked up to him, and we both got down the stairs. Bakugo was wearing his usual outfit, green camouflage pants, and a black Tanktop. When we arrived at the bottom floor, we saw how Kaminari was falling over the couch while Ashido was pushing him.

"Uh? Mina? Are you okay?" I said, kinda worrying for my own safety. "Huh? Oh, Hi birthday boy!! Uh, yes, he's fine, i think, " she said after turning to us. "Ohh, Bakugo? Great, you're here!" She looked at him with a smile on her lips, then she opened up again, "ok, so we planned on doing a movie night! Andddd because it's your birthday, you get to choose the movie!" She said with open arms.

I sat down next to Kaminari and leaned against the back, Bakugo did as follows. "Oh really? Well, uh, i don't think I should be choosing. It's just that my interest in movies isn't really cool and stuff." I said, rubbing my neck, well even being a little embarrassed to say.

Mina looked at me with confused eyes, "What? You really don't want to choose?" I shook my head, and she turned her head to Hanta, who was sitting on one of the small bags on the floor. "Well, if Kiri doesn't want to choose, we'll all just choose one and vote for it in the end. Ok, the rules are tho, no movie, someone already watched, okay?" We all looked to her and nodded. In the end, we agreed on watching Detective Pikachu. It was surprising to find out that even Kaminari hasn't watched it yet.

We kept on talking for a bit until we decided to go to our rooms to learn for the upcoming test. On my way with Bakugo to our dorms, i kept thinking about what happened earlier today. Today is actually pretty nice, well besides the fact of my goddamn mark. It's good to know what they'll say, but why does it have to be that? I kept looking on the floor with a not so happy expression.

"Ugh, Damnit, what is it Shitty hair?" A voice appeared from the right of me, ripping me out of my thoughts. I looked up next to him, putting a fake smile on my face. "Huh? Nothing, everything's fine!" I said, hoping that he won't look into it much more. "Yea yea stop saying that, you idiot, i can see when you lie. What happened? Did someone say something stupid?" He looked at me with even more angrier eyes, and it looked like also a hint of worry.

"Oh well, uhm, can we talk about it in my dorm, at least?" I said, hoping nobody would hear anything of what we were saying. He rolled his eyes while groaning but then nodded.

After going up the stairs to our floor, i opened my door and got in. Bakugo followed and closed the door behind him. "Okay, now tell me what's going on Shitty hair." He said, looking at me carefully and sitting down on my chair. I sat down on my bed, crossing my legs.

I took a deep breath before talking, "Well, it's just, it's complicated. You know about that whole soulmate stuff and that it shows up when you're 16. This morning, I checked it because yeah, and my sentence is - it's literally okay first - it's one sentence followed from another, and second- it's more of an insult kinda thing."

I looked down at the floor. I hated being like this in front of others. Not being even manly enough to just accept an insult. Normal insults are okay, but this, this is a sentence my future would say. Just why would they insult me?

"Well, I can't do anything about that, you know. And my god, it's just a stupid sentence. At least from what I know, mine is stupid as hell. Just see it in a good way or whatever? You don't even know in what kind of situation it would be said, too." He said and looked at me with disappointed but yet still understanding eyes.

He stood up and did his way to the door. "If I were you, i should just stop thinking about it. And maybe see it in a good way to prepare yourself until it gets said idiot." He said while opening the door and closing it behind him.

See it in a good way? How? Oh, I'm just gonna get an insult from my future lover and say thanks? I wish I had your mindset, bro. But maybe he's right. I should just stop thinking about it, at least for now.

After learning for about 2 hours, it was finally evening, and most of the class went downstairs to watch the movie, me included. When i came downstairs, i saw that Bakugo wasn't there. Well, it's not really surprising anyway. He's not really into watching movies with the class. I sat down next to Kaminari and Todoroki.

-Bakugo's Pov

I learned as much as possible in two hours, hell can't fail in a goddamn test. Wait, what time did these idiots want to watch that movie? Whatever, I'm not gonna go anyway. Or should I? Ugh, not this shit again. Fine, I'll go. I put away my books and everything before opening my door to leave. I knew that Shitty hair was already gone, so i didn't bother knocking on his door.

After making my way downstairs, i saw that almost everyone out of our class was here. Tho that perverted grape got taped up by Fake ass Spiderman. Stupid idiot, deserved probably. I saw where Shitty hair sat and made my way over to him.

"Move Dunce face!" I said, standing in front of him. And hell no, I am not sitting next to half n' half. "Uh yea sure!" He said, putting his hands up. I sat down next to Shitty hair. "You sick or something man? You never come to watch a movie with us!" Kirishima said while giggling and having a big smile on his lips. I just rolled my eyes, which was enough of an answer for him. His smile is not gonna lie, kinda cute. Wait, hold on what?! Oh, shut up.

Luckily, i didn't have to think about stupid idiotic thoughts anymore because the movie started. Almost everyone was quiet besides some little excitement screams.

I once during the movie looked over to Shitty hair, who seemed almost asleep. Tch idiot, wanting to watch a movie but then falling asleep. I crossed my arms, having my eyes on the TV. I suddenly flinched because something touched my shoulder, i looked over to see Shitty hairs head. I could feel that my cheeks got warmer. Shit what the hell am I supposed to do now??

Not knowing what to do, i just stayed still the best i could. I got ripped out of my thoughts before somebody took a picture. The flash wasn't on, but the sound of it, and of course, it was Raccoons eyes. "Ugh, Raccoons eyes! Fucking delete that or I'll delete your existence!" I said turning my head over to her. Because of my loud speaking almost everybody looked at us now. "Hey it's only to tease Kirishima okay! Not gonna do anything weird with it! Promise" she said winking at me. Ugh goddamn it.

Finally the movie was done and almost everyone stretched before going to their dorms again or talking with others about what they thought about the movie. I sat still tho, what should I do? Should i just carry him up? No, waking him up? Ugh i don't fucking know. "Uh Bakugo, i can carry him up for ya, we already teased you guys enough for today." Dunce face said. "Tch I'll do it myself idiot." I picked Shitty hair up in bridal style, trying not to move to much so he doesn't wake up.

After a bit i came to our dorms, i opened Shitty hair's door and laid him onto his bed. I put his blanket over him and took his Bandana off. Like he said, he hates sleeping with it on because he gets headaches from it. Before i could make my way out, Shitty hair woke up. "Hm? Bakugo, could you stay here, please?" He yawned and said in a tired voice. "Tch" was the only thing that came out of me before closing the door and making my way to sit next to him on the floor.

"Hmpf no, come here," Shitty hair said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to him.

Hell no, why you? Kirishima x BakugoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora