Soon began the session of talks, about all the dreams for wedding and everything when Krisha's Dad spoke.

"Yash, our talks would go on like this, should we let Arjun and Krisha talk to each other alone, and let them decide whether they want to actually marry? " He asked and my dad nodded while both the mothers gave us smiles hoping for yes.

I and Krisha left the Hall, and were walking through the corridor, that I think would reach till the garden. There was pitch silence till we went in garden. I was not saying anything out of over excitement and she just looked pissed about something.

We both sat down on the chairs kept in the garden, still silent, which now began to eat me up, so I thought of initiating a conversation when she spoke,

"Why do you want to marry me? " She asked, straight forward voice, with hint of anger, I suppose.

"Because, I kind of love you. " I said, a little nervous after hearing her tone. I never expected myself to have such a low key confession though.

"What's kind of love? " She asked me,

Seriously, that's what she has to ask after my literal confession.

"I mean, I love you. " I said, with a little clear voice.

"What? " She shouted and stood up, "How can you love me? " She asked.

"I don't know how to answer that, but, I've been in love with you since our school time, and I still am. " I replied honestly, hoping for some calm reaction and nit like the earlier outburst.

"See, I've just met you, heck, I didn't even know your name till a few minutes ago, and all of sudden you claim, that you love me, which to be very honest, really weird thing. " She said finally sat down.

"I know, but what I'm saying is true, I love you I've always had, and I'll always will. " I said, and to be very honest, I was to control myself from saying anything, but all the feelings of years are just coming out.

"Oh, come on, please stop with the drama." She said.

"I'm not doing drama, I'm honest about it, I love you and want to marry you, I'll always try to be the one you wished for. I always had only one dream, and that is one day, you'll be mine. And today, I'm getting a chance to fulfill it. " I said looking in her eyes, and it definitely were worth drowning in.

"Let me give you a little piece of information, I've got no interest in marrying." She said looking at me with a calm yet fierce look.

"But, I want to, and I will, I don't want to back out when I'm this close. " I said trying to match the intensity in her eyes.

"Don't even try, I will make your life hell, if you marry me. " She said standing up and bending a little so that our faces are so close, it feels like I'm in a dream.

"If it's with you, it will never be hell. "

"You know what, you're literally a crap bag, because all you say, sounds like a crap to me. " She said with annoyance.

"If I'm Crap bag, then please be my princess Consuela Bananahammock. " I said bending on my knees.

Typical, I know, but I had no better option.

"Cut it, we're not going to get married. Ever. So just go there and tell our parents that this didn't workout. " She said and walked off.

"I don't lie, at least not when it means that I've to crush my dreams. " I whispered to myself, and walked behind her.

We both went towards the center of living room where everyone was sitting with me having a broad smile, and Krisha, well she's walking in front of me, so I don't know, but it's for sure she will not be having a smile.

"So, what did you decide? " Mom asked desperately, followed by Krisha's Mom.

Krisha looked at me and signalled to say no, but

"It's a Yes, we've decided to get married. " I said looking at Krisha who's eyes are blazing fire right now. Before she could say anything against it, her mom fed her the biggest Ladoo in sweet box while congratulating her.

My future mom in law is already on my side.
That's awesome.


Hey Lovely Readers,

Here goes the 10th Chapter.

Hope you all like it.

What do you think would be Krisha's reaction? ----------------->

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