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I SAT LISTENING TO THIS GIRL WAFFLE ON ABOUT HER LIFE, not that I didn't care to get to know her and her life but that fact that she didn't bother to let me even speak, I just had to sit here and listen to her talk about other guys...

"...amazing how you came along after him, it's really helped me get my mind off him" she said sipping her drink

"I-" she cut me off

I rolled my eyes, this has been like the 15th time she's done this. And she's been going on and on about other guys and her ex's, i was honestly fuming at this point, should've just cancelled on her

"Oh how could I forget! He was one of my favorites as well but of course your number one though babes" she giggled to herself, "I also need to get a selfie of the date, I hate forgetting things like this" she said pulling out her phone to take a picture of us

I did a slight smile for the camera, quickly dropping it as we put her phone down, "we look so cute!" She said looking at the picture

"yea" I said, I was so tired of this, she's completely different from what i had expected

"You alright? You seem quite stressed" she asked

"Nah, nah I'm alright" I insured her, was I really alright? Absolutely not.

She's definitely not the one, I'm cutting off all connections once I leave this horrid date.


"Well looks like it didn't work" i said laid backside on my bed staring up at my ceiling

"Well he liked it? That's a great start right?" She shrugged

"Gigi I think it's just not worth the chase" i said facing her, now on my stomach."What?!" She gasped, "no no no! Inaya you can't give up"

"I'll be fine there's other guys I can talk to trust, I mean we have Jacob still on the roster" i stated making Gigi look at me with a look of disgust

*mention of abuse and use of drugs*
Me and Jacob also have a past, no nothing nearly close to what I had with Trent. You see me and Jacob actually got to the dating stage, everything was fine until I found out he had been seeing another girl behind my back, I found out through of course my bestfriend Giana. After that we broke up but we ended up talking again and dating for the second time but it wasn't the best idea


"Just shut up you!" He yelled

"Jacob I just want an answer for what I saw!" I cried with my hands on my chest

"I told you to not enter my room and touch my shit! But what do you do, you gander off into it and touch things that you shouldn't even be seeing!" he shouted out of frustration

"Why are there so many bags of it?" I asked softly hoping he'd calm down and explain

"Inaya I don't want you involved with this alright? It'll be gone by the morning just don't speak on it, promise" he said with a calmer voice than before

I just nodded, my face feeling hot while tears rolled down my cheeks


After that, he started actually taking what he sold. Which led to him becoming very aggressive when mad and soon got the habit of hurting me, not just mentally but physically. I've healed from that past but I still care about Jacob. just not the intoxicated part of him...

"Inaya no, you can't go back to that" she said getting up

"I know, I know it's just an option is what I'm trying to say" I shrugged

"That should never be an option, and I'll be the one to make sure it doesn't happen" she said softly

"Promise me you won't text him?" She asked sitting by me on the bed as I sat up

I looked at her for a moment before speaking, "yeah" i replied, "promise" I said with a weak smile

I hopped on Instagram staring at the dm I sent Trent a while ago


"Come on naya! I'll be out in the car!" Gigi said calling out from the front door

"On my way!" I said quickly rushing to put my last things I need into my bag

I grabbed my other bag that's I had packed earlier and quickly headed down to the car, I packed up my bags in the back with all of Gigi's

I got in, panting a bit out of breath from running down the stairs

Gigi laughed, "you ready?" She asked

I nodded, "I can't believe you're turning 20 tomorrow!" I said

"I know know you can't bully me for being 2 years young than you, I'm now only 1" she grinned

"Are you excited to go see your family in Manchester?" I asked her

She nodded, "very, I miss them so much" she said
"I finally get to meet my bestfriends family" i smiled
"Ah yes I know! It'll be your first time meeting them" she grinned, " I know they'll love you"

We soon arrived at our hotel we where going to be staying for the next week, all for Gianas birthday so she can spend time with her family and old friends


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