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"YES! THAT ONE SUITS YOU SO WELL!" Gigi clapped as I turned for her in an outfit she picked out for me, she quite literally dragged me here.

"I really like the trousers they're really nice" I said

"Yeah it compliments everything perfectly, you know it really reminds me of that one outfit from secondary" she says with a chuckle

"Oh,the one you called the 'it girl ' outfit?" I asked
"Ugh yea, and the chunky shoes! don't even get me started they were absolutely horrid I don't know who let you out like that" she laughed

"Well obviously you!" I laughed

She nodded, "well to be fair my fashion sense wasn't it back then, alright"

"But is that really how you remembered it? The chunky shoes" I asked laughing

"Yeah they really made a statement" she said making us laugh harder

"Why would you let me walk around like that?" I asked pushing her playfully

"I don't know actually" she thought for a moment, "Hey you  remember that one yute you were in love with? what was his name? Tyler? Tristan? Oh no no Trent! That's it!"

His name.

Hearing his name after all these years and it's still making me feel a type of way...comforting in a way
"Yea yea I remember him" I said acting it off as if I didn't spend almost my whole childhood with him and flashbacks of our memories played in my head

"I think he was the one that told me he like that outfit of yours" she wiggled her eyebrows trying to think back at those days

"Oh" was all I let out

"What ever happened to him? did you two stop talking?" She questioned

"Oh erm he just kinda disappeared" i said keeping it short I hadn't really told her about it since she lived about two hours away and rarely saw each other in person we only talked through FaceTime once every two to three days on school nights

Now that we live together she obviously knows everything about my recent ex's and all the tea I had about my current life

"How come?"
"He disappeared, he stopped showing up at school and never replied to my text since then" I shrugged

"You ever wonder what's he's doing like now?" She asked,
that really made me want to know, how was he? Does he remember me? Does he ever think of me? Where did he go?

"Yea I do, I'd like to know where he is now I hope he's doing well" i smiled

She gave me a grin, and I knew exactly what she was thinking.


Suddenly we were back home sat on Gigis bed, her on her laptop searching everything we could to find him like teenage girls trying to find a cute boy they saw at the shops, oh how I missed these moments

"Feels like the old days innt" she giggled

"Yea" I agreed, "well go on find him" I rushed her

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