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"Okay I need everyone to find a partner, ready go!" Our new,
year 2 professor said

I looked around at the room of kids my age running around to find partners, I was quite a shy kid so I stayed still not knowing where or who to go to. Several of my classmates were already partnered up until I felt a tap on my shoulder...

"Hi I'm Trent do you need a partner?" A little boy around my height asked

"Yea" I nodded, surprised that the boy even asked me

"What's ya name?" He questioned as we sat down to signify we were partners

"I'm Inaya" I said
"That's a pretty name, mines sorta boring" he said shaking his head

I felt a small smile creep up on my face, "Thank you, your names nice tho" i complimented

"Do you really think?" He raised an eyebrow

"Yea it has a nice ring to it...Trent" I said sounding out his name

"Whatever you say inaya" he rolled his eyes making me giggle

— YEAR 3

"Inaya! Look I drew you!" Trent said excitedly pointing at his drawing on his table

I walked over seeing questionable scribbling that was supposedly me, "uh wheres the drawing?" I asked

"Right there do you not see it?" He said pointing at his drawing he had made with crayons

"Looks more like a blob than a person init?" Clark a boy sitting next to Trent pitched in

I nodded making Trent frown, "it's alright Trent just keep practicing, practice makes perfect" I quoted the last part from him making him turn his frown to a smile

— YEAR 4

Our school took us on a field trip to the aquarium, we all got to pick what group we went with, of course i went with Trent

"WOW that's a big shark!" Trent pointed up at the shark swimming above us

"I hate sharks" I frowned

"Why's that?" He asked

"Their just big and scary" i explained

"Nuh uh" he crossed his arms

"Look it's behind you!" I squealed

He turned around and screamed and jumped at the shark behind the glass

I laughed running off

"Inaya!" He chased after me

— YEAR 9

"Don't you think it's kind of stupid they have us taking a quiz on a Monday?" Trent groaned

"Yeah it's so stupid, we're all tired" I agreed

"Trent, Inaya I said no talking next time I hear you two speak I'm sending the both of you to the head professors office" The professor got on to us for the third time this class period

We both looked at each other rolling our eyes at the teacher

We obviously Improvised and hid our phones to text

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