23 BAYLEIGH 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶

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Sam's 'Smash' Hits

1 Under the Influence-Chris Brown

2 Pussy Is Mine-Skip Wonder

3 No Bullshit-Chris Brown

4 Sex You-Bando Jones

5 Ride-Somo

6 I feel like drowning-Two Feet

7 Love is a bitch-Two Feet

8 Pain and Pleasure-Black Atlass

9 How does it feel-D'Angelo

10 Motivation-Kelly Rowland

A week. A week had come and gone, and I heard no word from Sam. It was the week of prom and the school seemed to be coming unhinged with excitement. I, on the other hand, looked as if I were in mourning. Now that word had traveled about Ethan and I's break up, everyone figured that's what was wrong with me. Other people thought it was my way of simmering down after my embarrassing arrest. It was Wednesday, I was dressed in a long, black, long-sleeved t-shirt, black leggings with my rain boots, and my hair pulled up into a pony. I'd given up on my contacts all together and continued wearing my glasses. I figured if I was going to be crying like this, I'd rather be crying in my natural eyes. Just as I opened my locker, I noticed Sam coming down the hall headed in my direction.

He was dressed in a dark gray and black raglan shirt under his light gray hoodie and black sweatpants. He had his hood pulled up over his head. Even his gauges were downplayed. The fluorescent lights overhead glowed a silhouette on his five o clock shadow. Our eyes locked, and I gave a light, sheepish smile. He averted his eyes as he walked past me and further down the hall. He didn't say a word. He didn't speak or smile. He just withdrew from me. It was like we were strangers all over again. I could feel the hole in my heart rip, and my breathing became uneven. My locker door slammed, scaring the absolute shit out of me. I turned around to see Ethan leaning on my locker, grinning like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.

I growled, not hiding my anger and agitation."Ugh, what do you want?"

He replied. "I want to talk."

"Go talk to Cynthia. I've got shit to do," I snapped as I began walking away.

Ethan quickly trailed beside me.

"I ended it with Cynthia."

I stopped, giving him a skeptical look. "And you expect me to believe that?"

Ethan stopped in front of me.

"Personally, I don't care what you believe, but I do want you to believe that I love you" Ethan said.

I looked up at him, studying his poker face, looking for tale signs that he was yanking my leg.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

"Baby I don't know. I guess at one point she was giving me attention when you weren't and it just kind of happened. She made me feel needed and like a man" he explained.

"I'm sorry I unintentionally emasculated you, but that's something couples are supposed to talk about".

"I know that now. I didn't realize how bad I messed up until you were gone."

I groaned looking at him. I knew this was a crock of shit...or maybe it wasn't.

"Will you please give me another chance baby?"

Just then the bell for class rang.

"I don't know I have to give it some thought because I'm still pissed."

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