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The next day was Friday and although I wasn't looking forward to school, I had to keep up my attendance and GPA. I was so exhausted and emotionally drained I looked like something from a horror movie. I didn't go running that morning, I didn't put on any make-up and I barely ran a brush through my hair. I was dressed in a pair of black leggings, tucked in a pair of flat heeled knee-high boots, a white sweatshirt and my dad's dark gray hoodie, with the hood pulled up over my head. I didn't even try to fight with putting my contacts in. Today I just wore my clear, square-rimmed glasses. I hadn't worn my glasses since Freshmen year. I got made fun of so bad that I immediately asked dad for contacts. But today I didn't care.

The halls of the school were packed. It was right before class and everyone was just killing time. It seemed like after Spring break more kids came back to the school than what was here before. I approached my locker, leaning my head against it.

"Ew, looks like someone's in mourning" Jenelope said behind my back.

She and the other cheerleaders giggled. I growled and turned around to face them. I reached into my backpack and snatched out a piece of notebook paper.

"Here Jenelope, I have something for you" I smiled, holding up the piece of paper.

"What's that?" Jenelope asked.

"My resignation from the squad" I said.

I dropped the piece of paper with my left hand and behind it I was holding up my middle finger on my right hand.

"Fuck you, I quit" I grinned.

They all gasped.

"Bitch" Jenelope spit as they walked away.

"Suck my dick Mulan" I yelled after her before turning back to my locker.

"Okay, I don't know what this is that's gotten into you, but I'm here for it" Desiree giggled pointing to my current glow down.

"Fuck off" I muttered, as I began putting in my combination.

"Okay, you're giving angst and this is a peaceful visit" Desiree said.

"Yea, we heard about you and Ethan and we came to check on you since you wouldn't answer our calls last night" Asher explained, walking up.

"Well, I'm fine, thank you and what exactly did you hear about me and Ethan?" I asked, looking at them.

"He's telling everyone that he suspected that you were cheating, so that's why he started sleeping with Cynthia, but he felt so bad about it that he went ahead and broke up with you" Desiree explained.

"He broke up with me?" I asked in disbelief as I laughed sarcastically.

Of course Ethan would take the sleezy road. Make himself the saint and me the sinner to save face. Of course he would give some lame ass lie to make me out to be a slut.

"You guys know that's not true right? You guys know if I'd gotten my cherry popped I'd tell one of you?" I questioned looking from Asher to Desiree.

They both nodded.

"I can't believe this" I grumbled, as I put in the last number of my combination and opened it.

My door swung open to reveal my red lace underwear dangling from a cable tie, looped through the slits of the locker. I'd completely forgotten about those panties.

"Or maybe you wouldn't" Desiree gasped.

"Wait are those the underwear that you got when we went to Victoria's Secret last year?" Asher asked, flashing a picture with her phone.

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