||EPISODE 25||

143 15 109

So guys here is the next update, i hope you guys will like it😊

Guys i want 50+ comments... or else no update...
If the comments target is completed i can give the next update today itself...

Ranbir and Prachi were sitting on the bed, holding each other tightly. The room was quiet except for the sound of their breathing.
Prachi suddenly lifted her head from Ranbir's chest and looked at him.

Prachi: "Ranbir ji"
Ranbir: "Hmm"
Prachi: "Can i ask you something?" She said hesitantly.
Ranbir looked down at her, curious: "What is it, Prachi?"

Prachi: "Was there anyone else there with you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Ranbir looked confused. "What do you mean, Prachi? There was no one else in the room."
Prachi: "No not in the room... i asked was there someone else in your life who you loved other than me?"
Ranbir: "Why you asking that?"

Prachi: "Like is there someone special in your life other than me?"
Ranbir: "Nidhi"
To which Prachi instantly stopped playing with his fingers and looked on.

Prachi, calmly. "You never told me about her? I mean i know who is Nidhi but... but... i... i... didn't know that you guys dated before..."

Ranbir reached out to touch her arm. "I'm sorry, Prachi. I should've told you but that and all was just my past"
Prachi, calmly: "It's ok Ranbir ji😊"
To which Ranbir smiled looking at her.

Prachi: "Are you still in touch with her?" she asked, her voice cold.
Ranbir: "Yeah, we talk every now and then"
Prachi: "Oh!"
He then noticed Prachi silent and he asked her: "Prachi, is there any problem?"
Prachi forced a smile: "No... no... I trust you, Ranbir ji" she said, but her eyes was showing worry.

Ranbir leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Prachi. You're the only one for me."

Prachi hugged him tighter, trying to push away the doubts that were creeping into her mind. "I love you too, Ranbir ji,"
She said softly: "I just want to make sure we're always honest with each other."

After a few days:
Prachi was feeling increasingly possessive of her husband, Ranbir.
She couldn't shake the feeling that he might still have feelings for his ex-girlfriend Nidhi.
It's not trust issues: but after all she is his wife so of course that feeling can come.
So, she decided to call her friends Nithya and Shahana to discuss her concerns.

Prachi: "Guys, I'm really worried about Ranbir ji,"
Prachi said as soon as they answered the phone. "I think Nidhi still loves him."

Nithya: "What makes you say that, Prachi?" She asked.
Prachi: "I noticed that she likes all of his social media posts but never any of the ones with me in them,"
She explained: "I think she's trying to get his attention."

Shahana chimed in: "But Prachi, Ranbir loves you. You have nothing to worry about."
Prachi sighed: "I know, but I just can't help feeling this way. I don't want to lose him."

Nithya tried to calm her down: "Prachi, you need to trust Ranbir. He's a good guy and he loves you. You just need to talk to him and tell him how you're feeling."
Prachi nodded slowly. "You're right. I need to talk to him."
They all cut the calls.

As she hung up the phone, Prachi suddenly felt a wave of nausea wash over her. She stumbled to the bathroom and leaned over the sink, breathing deeply. This was the third time she had vomited today.
She looked at herself in the mirror, confused and worried. What was happening to her?

Then she remembered something. She rushed to her room and opened a box hidden in her closet. Inside, she found something.
She followed the instructions and waited anxiously for something to appear. When it appeared, her heart skipped a beat.

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