Chapter Nineteen

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"Oh, hey, Drakson!" It was a considerable surprise to see him in the Mocharia. For a moment, Akari worried maybe she was wrong, and it wasn't him– how embarrassing that would be! That moment passed quickly, however: even if it was far from where he lived, he was pretty unmistakable.

"Hm?" He looked shocked to hear his own name.

"Oh! You're..." He squinted at her, sucking air through his teeth, "That– I know you. You know."

"Yeah... yes... so, what– why are you in New Pepperton?"

He shrugged, "Playing a show."

"Oh, so Orion too?"

"I'd sure hope so."

"Yeah. That's cool, then. I didn't see any announcement or anything. About the show. When is it?"

"Mhm. Should probably talk to Janana about that."

"Yeah," He looked so confused that Akari didn't bother asking again about the date. If he was just finding out now that there hadn't been any publicity for the upcoming show– well, certainly would be a rude awakening.

"Well, if you get the moment, you should tell Orion to come and see us. Sure Allan would like to."

Drakson's eye twitched, "Yeah. I can do that."

He fished a piece of paper out of his pocket and scanned it, then looked distractedly back to Akari, "Are they still not talk– well... So, my order...?"

"Yes!" In the shock of seeing him, Akari had momentarily forgotten what Drakson was even here for in the first place, "What would you like?"

He read the order from the paper, and she prepared it.

"See you around, Akari,"

He left the store with a ding of the bell, and somehow, just getting her name right felt like a friendly gesture. Even if her nametag was clearly visible. It felt nice to see Drakson. A familiar face was welcome in what seemed an endless stream of strangers in the shop– even the ones she recognized as repeat customers would never stop to chat.

It was also nice that he seemed to feel indifferent to whatever had gone down on New Year's– maybe that would mean that Orion might warm back up to Allan? At least, Orion couldn't hate them enough for distaste to have spread to his cousin, which was better than nothing. As disastrous as the last time they'd seen the guys had been, Akari missed talking to other people. She wasn't the biggest fan of going out and socializing– nor did she really have the time for that– but she was always glad to stumble into having some acquaintances. And, evidently, to stumble into those acquaintances.

Drakson had made his way to the shop every day that week– spare one, in which he had his order delivered– and the week itself went by in a blur. Just as the last one had, and the one before– Akari could hardly believe it was already the middle of February.

Friday the thirteenth– maybe an ominous sign, though she wasn't superstitious– had come already, and the Mocharia-sanctioned Valentine's Day party was only several hours away. She couldn't 'skip ahead to the fun'– Papa Louie's words, not hers– quite yet though, not when there was coffee to be served. And in keeping with whatever pattern he had set, Drakson had arrived in the shop.

"Long time no see?"

"Funny." He removed a pair of gloves, shoving them into his pocket as he removed his wallet in a notably smooth movement, "It's so cold, dude."

She gave a sympathetic grimace. The Mocharia wasn't the warmest place in the world, and she still needed a jacket, but it was a sauna compared to outside. Wet, rainy January had gone– it was too cold for rain now. It wasn't snowing, either, though– just dry, biting, windy cold. It was supposed to warm up a couple degrees by the evening, though, which Akari was hopeful for, though the temperature would likely drop again overnight.

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