Chapter Twenty Eight

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cw: motorcycle accident and minor injuries: bleeding and bruises

The alarm rang for the third time, and Akari squeezed her eyes shut as if it would combat the noise. This time, it woke Olivia, and she groaned, rolling over. Akari was already sitting up, beside her. She'd worked up the nerve to a few minutes after hitting snooze for the second time, but she was still too groggy to turn the alarm off altogether. And to get out of bed.

She had time, technically. Not very much , even if she got up within the next five seconds. If she'd been at Olivia's, she'd already have been late. But she didn't need to rush.

Doom B rûlée had played a show in Starlight City over the weekend and Allan had returned to Powder Point with them, so they had the apartment to themselves. It only made sense to stay here, and cut out the unnecessary– if brief– commute. They'd even brought Party Sub, who didn't seem to mind the change of scenery.

He wasn't in the room, though– probably asleep on the couch, on the blanket he loved so much.

Akari sighed, rubbing her eyes. It was later than normal , but it still felt so early. She didn't have a choice, though, and kissed Olivia on the cheek before making to get up.

"You have to go, like, now ?" Olivia murmured, sleepily. Akari bit her lip. She should have just gotten up earlier. Then she wouldn't need to worry and could lay here with Olivia for a little while longer. She smoothed Olivia's hair.

"You can go back to sleep."

"Mhnh- I don't have any alarms, or— I need to get Allan, and—"

Obviously, Allan couldn't stay up in Powder Point forever. It was long enough– enough for moving the cat to be worth it, but Papa Louie would notice if he was gone for too long. He'd say something, they were both sure of it.

Still, Akari wanted him to have time for himself. She wasn't exactly doing much else– though, as he and Olivia had both reminded her, she could have been– so taking over working for him wasn't difficult. What she did need, though, was the car, for deliveries.

She'd considered her bike, but she didn't trust that the ride wouldn't completely wreck any drink she took on it. She'd done it before, yes, but... she felt out of practice. She wanted to ride, but as always it was maybe later– and she didn't think some midday coffee delivery was the best time for starting back up again.

So, she had the car, and it was fine. Allan had driven with Orion on the way up, but taking buses and taxis back to New Pepperton wasn't exactly simple. And Akari, of course, was busy at the Mocharia. So Olivia was going to drive it to pick him up, and Akari still felt uneasy about it.

"And you're really sure, really sure you're still up for it."

Olivia rubbed her eyes.

She'd been trying to get better at driving— another reason it had been nice to have the car. She'd always been able to, legally, at least, but... it had only been a month since she'd taken it up again. And the highway, and the mountains...

"Yeah, one hundred, Kar. It's totally fine. I'll be totally fine."

She yawned, and Akari looked over to her, unsure.


Olivia wrinkled her face, frowning. "I'm cautious!"

"Mhm. You don't have to leave when I do, though."

Olivia shrugged, "Nothing else to do."

Akari desperately wanted to just lie back down. She let herself, falling back onto her pillow.

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