[6] Leaves of Autumn

Start from the beginning

            I giggled in reply.

            “Oh I forgot!  Cece, I need to take some pictures of you.”

            “What?  Why me?”

            “Because you’re Oliver’s friend too.”

            I dropped my head down.  “What if I’m not by the time he leaves?”

            “Oh I highly doubt that.”

            “I don’t know...”

            “Oh come on Cece!  It’ll be fun!”

            I bit my lip and sighed.  “Fine, I guess.”

            “Yay!  How about on Saturday you sleep over mine and we’ll take some pictures?”

            I smiled.  “I’d like that.” 

            Eve and Abigail had to be my only female friends I had made in Lake Gloria so far.  Every other girl just glanced over me and then didn’t want anything to do with me.  In fact, anyone in Jordan’s circle of friend’s didn’t want anything to do with me except Jordan himself.  Anyone who is friends with Oliver has taken me in willingly.

            It made me feel accepted, and for that I was glad.

            “So what’s new, city girl?” Oliver asked me.

            I grimaced and said, “Please tell me you’re not going to make that a constant nickname for me.”

            “Nah, it’s too lame.  I’ll think up something more annoying.”

            I rolled my eyes and sat in my seat.  Oliver took the place next to me. 

            “So like I was saying...” Oliver continued.  “What’s new?”

            I bit my lip and muttered, “Jordan tried apologising.

            “Oh,” was all he said.

            Sighing, I then said, “I said I’d get back to him on the matter.  He said he’d give me a day to think it over if I forgive him.  And the thing is... I really like Jordan as a person but... I feel as if he’s probably some business I shouldn’t get into?” I asked him.

            Oliver shrugged.  “It’s your life.”

            “But you know him!   You could advise me if he’s the right option or not.”

            “But Cece... how would you know if I was telling the truth?  What makes you think it’s me you can trust?”

            I shrugged.  “I guess it just feels that way.”

            Oliver shook his head.  “Ask around with the girls.  They’d give you a better opinion on that.  Don’t ask me.”

            I sighed and said, “Okay.”

            There was silence for a moment until Oliver said, “Hey, my grandmother wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner on Sunday night.”

            I bit my lip.  “I’d have to ask Rick because it’s a school night.”

            “Of course.”

Leaves of AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now