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A few days later, Lisa put up a notice for the reconstruction of the village.

However, not a single villager has answered it.

It was not that the neighboring villagers were cold.

Lisa's group came very suddenly, and she had not stated that she was a remnant of the village either.

Elderville was a 'ghost village'.

Eight years of time was enough to pass on a generation.

And now, for an 'outsider' to suddenly come with intentions to build on the ghost village, the villagers would inevitably be somewhat apprehensive about it.

Lisa did not mind it.

If no one was willing to help, she'd do it herself.

She started a big fire in the village to burn away all of the tall weeds and dead trees first, then she tasked Seulgi to go to the county and order all of the materials needed to rebuild a village.

She would head out early with a hoe every day to push down and level the wrecked walls and ruins of the village as much as possible.

Once the soil thawed, she would carry all of these waste materials out.

Then the work can begin.

Lisa headed out before daylight today.

She carried a hoe and a box with her as she came to the place where she had burned the pile of corpses a long time ago.

Lisa dug up many scattered bones meticulously, then she placed them carefully into the box.

Lisa had dug three feet deep into that plot of land; she finally stopped when no more bones could be found.

The box had just been filled too.

Lisa tied the hoe to her back. She picked up the box, then she went up the mountain.

She struggled with the frozen soil next to her parents and younger brother's mound for over four hours.

Once she managed to dig out a huge pit, she buried that box of mixed bones.

Once that was done, Lisa attentively cleared away the snow and weeds on the few old graves.

Her movements were slow, conscientious, and meticulous.

Her tears started to flow down as she worked.

Lisa cried without a sound, in this desolate mountain.

The tragedy of the village was already eight years in the past.

It had been through two reigns, and it had also become a ghost village avoided by all people.

But this was Lisa's home.

She was born here.

She grew up here.

All of her childhood memories, all of her family were here.

They all say that fallen leaves return to their roots.

Even if all that was left of the village was a field of debris, this was still the place that Lisa sought for in her dreams.

Lisa kneeled down before a row of dirt mounds, then she took out a wooden board from her chest.

It had a hundred and nineteen irregular cuts on its surface.

Some were already very old; they had nearly worn smooth over time.

And some were rather new, it had splinters inside...

A hundred and eighteen people died wrongful deaths in the village.

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