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"However, I had walked all over this kingdom, but I still could not find my master. Later on, I found out that master had appeared in the territory of the Huns before, so I hurried to the border between the kingdom and the Huns. Unexpectedly, I got lost in the grass plains and collapsed from illness... Jen, I'm sorry. I could not save your mother. And because of the lie that I made out of ill will, she must have been very lonely in the last eight years of her life ..."

Jisoo patted away the dust on her body, then she took a complicated look at Jennie: "And that was what I want to tell you. Fourteen years... I have wronged for fourteen years. This has always been weighing on my heart. It's time to confront it..."

Jisoo finished speaking.

She lowered her head, as if she was a sinner who had just admitted her guilt and was waiting for her final judgement.

Silence fell over the tent.

Lisa took a look at Jisoo, then she took a look at Jennie who was not saying a word.

She sighed heavily in her heart.

After listening to this story, many of Jisoo's past actions could be easily explained.

She had dragged this on for so long just to tell them the truth that only she knew on their last night here.

Perhaps she had already gone through plenty of struggles.

What Jisoo wanted right now, would just be a word of forgiveness from Jennie.

Lisa was not Jennie.

Dealing with this type of problem was always her weak point.

If this had happened to her, she probably wouldn't have an answer that quickly.

Lisa squeezed Jennie's hand, then she got up to pat Jisoo's shoulder: "Jisoo, it's late. You should go back first. I will definitely return to my village someday, and we can always meet again."

May you give Jennie some time.


Only the two of them were left inside the tent now.

Standing in front of Jennie, Lisa enveloped her in her arms, gently smoothing Jennie's waterfall-like black hair.

Jennie buried her face in Lisa's chest as she hugged her waist.

"Jen, it's late. We still need to get on the road tomorrow, let's go to sleep."


Lisa and Jennie laid down on the bed after blowing out the lights, then Jennie cushioned her head on Lisa's shoulder.

The grass plains were extremely quiet at night, but their eyes were still open.

Lisa soothed Jennie's back again and again, as if she was comforting Chiquita.



Lisa said quietly after a moment of silence: "Actually..."

Jisoo just wanted to hear a word of forgiveness from you.

"I understand."

"... ..."



"What would you do if you were me?"

"Mm... Jen, I'm not you, so I can't feel some of your pain the same way. But an outsider sees more objectively. As an outsider, I feel that if you can, you could... give Jisoo some salvation."

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