Chapter#0: Childhood

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Within the Windhelm hold a nord was born during the edge of Winter's chimes.
The boy had hair that shined like gold, skin as white as milk, and eyes that sparkled like emeralds. That newborn was named "Ferrum" A name given to him by his father.

Ferrum's father "Ferrarius", is a member of the city guard in Windhelm and is one out of many people that supports the storm cloaks and their cause.
Ferrum's mother "Nivalis Ice-Finger", is a necromancer that was well known throughout Skyrim as one of the strongest mages in her league.

A long time ago Ferraris met Nivalis while he was patrolling the city, during his patrol he found Nivalis praying in the graveyard while holding up an amulet of Talos. As Nivalis was praying the ice and snow began to hover and gently swirl around her as if winter itself yielded at the sound of her voice, Ferraris wanted to stop her but he felt compelled to watch such a glorious display of magic.
Once Nivalis finished praying she noticed the curious guard staring at her, she turned around and calmly confronted him about staring at her. After that, the two of them wished to spend their lives together which lead to them getting married and having their first and only son which was Ferrum.

Ferrum grew up differently compared to the other kids of the city, his father who was set on making his son a stormcloak and started training him on how to use weapons and how to fight. Ferraris's methods were very cruel however they gave results, for the villagers that noticed the results of Ferrum's training it was hard for them to believe that anyone would force a 6-year-old boy to do such training only ending up with him getting injured every single time in the process.
The way Ferraris trained him was not the way anyone would train a child. He forced Ferrum to go out into the wilderness and hunt down a specific animal and bring it back to the house on his own without any assistance, there was only one time he didn't listen to his father's orders and when he let someone help him carry a deer back to the house Ferrum ended up having no food for the whole day and had to hunt twice as much the whole week.
Nivalis was well aware of Ferrum's training and she did not approve of her husband's methods but Ferraris always convinced her that her son will be fine and he will become strong by the end of his training, little did the father know he was letting his ambitions ruin his son's life.

After Ferrum turned 16 he was able to make friends with some of the local teenagers that lived in the city. A female dark elf named "Gurrash", a male argonian named "Sees-With-One" and a female high elf named "Viviane". Those three people became Ferrum's closest and dearest friends that he has ever been able to make in Windhelm.
During days when Ferrum gets breaks from training, he hangs out with his friends at the docks or in Hearth Fire, they usually sit around the fire and chat about the goings-on in their day-to-day lives. Having friends at his age made Ferrum feel a lot happier than he did in so many years, even though his father was unaware of his companions his dear mother was well aware of her son's friends and she even does her best to keep these friends as a secret since she is well aware that her husband wouldn't approve of his son's choices in friends.

One snowy afternoon as Ferrum was heading back from a successful hunt he noticed his father was standing in front of the gate with his arms crossed, Ferrum paid no mind to this sudden change of events and greeted his father as he walked into the city while carrying a fresh bear carcass on his back, as he carried his latest catch back to the house he noticed his father was shadowing him and once they both got inside Ferraris closed the door behind him and stared at his son with a furious look before asking him about his friends.
Ferrum tried to pretend that he had no friends but his father forced the truth out of him by punching him in the stomach, Ferrum ended up telling the truth and his father yelled at him saying "No son of mine is going to be friends WITH SUCH FILTH!"

Ferrum looked up at his father as he responded "Since when did you get a say about me and who I get to be friends with?..."

Ferraris picked him up by his shirt and pinned his back to the wall and said "Since I am your father... Boy. You are a Nord, you are meant to fight for all nords as a stormcloak!" He punches Ferrum in the stomach again then drops him.

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