Chapter #1: Unbound (Pt2.)

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Everyone looked at each other for a minute, this is the first time that the stormcloaks and the imperial legion helped each other so the atmosphere was a bit awkward.
Fenrir sighed and said "Jeez, we just survived a dragon attack together as one and none of y'all can't even speak after what just happened?"
Hadvar looked at Ralof and said "He is right... We did help each other, kinda nice to join forces with you. You're good with an axe, for a stormcloak."
Ralof chuckled and said "By the nine you are right, we did work pretty well together. And you are good with a sword, even though you are a imperial."
The two of them smiled and shook hands, then they turned their attention to Fenrir. Ralof said "All of us surviving wouldn't be possible without you.", Hadvar added "If it wasn't for you getting us to work together, we would be as good as dead by now. All of this was possible thanks to you!"

Fenrir felt good about helping them stay alive the torturer assistant, the female imperial legionnaire and the female stormcloak looked at him with gratitude, they were all grateful for Fenrir's help.
Fenrir looked at the torturer assistant and asked "So, what are you gonna do now?"
The torturer assistant thought for a moment and replied "I'm heading to Solitude, it's best for me to report there and tell them what happened." he then looked at Hadvar and said "I assume you gonna do the same?"
Hadvar nodded and said "Yeah, but before I do I need to talk to my family in Riverwood. They might be in a bit of danger since there are no guards."
Ralof gasped and said "You're right, I gotta tell Gerdur!" he then proceeds to run down the slope as quick as possible, Hadvar smiled and followed behind him but before he left he asked Fenrir to follow them to Riverwood so he can speak to Gerdur and after he is done he can come by his uncle's house to get some better armor. Naturally Fenrir accepted the offer and decided to take the legionnaire with him, after all she seemed unfamiliar with Skyrim as it is and the female stormcloak was happy to tag along as well primarily for the mead waiting for her at the inn.

As Hadvar, Fenrir, the unnamed stormcloak and the unnamed Legionnaire made their way to Riverwood, it became apparent that no one even asked for either of the two ladies' names. So Fenrir decided to ask them.
Fenrir looked at the legionnaire and the stormcloak and asked "Hey, since we survived Helgen together... I realized I didn't ask for your names. Then again I don't believe you know either of our names as well."
The legionnaire smirked as she looked at Fenrir and said "I am Lavender and to be frank I know who Hadvar is, after all he was stationed in Helgen when I arrived from Bruma. But now that you mentioned it, wouldn't mind knowing your names."
The stormcloak chimed in saying "Well my name is Fei, my ma named me after seeing something called a "Fairy"."
Fenrir tilted his head in confusion wondering what a fairy is but still introduced himself to both of them.
As all four of them merrily chatted while walking, the group encountered a trio of standing stones. Hadvar explained that the standing stones dot most of Skyrim's landscape and that interacting with one can grant you with a special ability. Intrigued by this Fenrir decided to interact with the warrior stone since it seemed to appeal to him the most, Fei got interested and eagerly interacted with the mage stone and Lavender decided to interact with the thief stone. Hadvar was awfully surprised by which stones they decided to interact with, but regardless he congratulated on their efforts to pick a ability.

After picking out their abilities the group continued to Riverwood, as  they finally made it to the small village near the water it seemed that word was already circulating about the black dragon that attacked Helgen. Mean while Hadvar and Lavender went to speak with Hadvar's uncle & aunt just to let them know about what happened, Fei on the other hand left to the Sleeping Giant Inn to get some well deserved mead and in her defense she did earn it for surviving a dragon attack.
Because of this, Fenrir was by himself so he decided to head over to the shopkeeper's place to buy some potions. When Fenrir went inside he saw the shopkeeper and a woman were arguing amongst each other, instead of rudely interrupting them he decided to silently wait for them to notice him.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 21 ⏰

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