Chapter 1 - Dinner

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            "Hey, what do you guys want for dinner?"
            "Umm, something quick, but delicious. We should play a game while we wait."
            "Alright, the fire's ready. Thanks to me, as always."
            "Hmm... let's play... Rock, Paper, Scissors!"
            The four Pokémon talked amongst each other. Among them, there was a Treecko, Buizel, Salandit, and Rockruff.
            "Well, we could have berry soup. Any suggestions for what berries to put in?" said the Treecko as it pulled a pot out of its backpack. Quincy, the Treecko, was the leader of the group. He usually spearheaded operations, such as foraging, battles, and, well, dinner.
            "Umm... Wacan Berries!"
            "Chestos, obviously."
            "How about some Nanab Berries?"
            Kirby, the Buizel, was really fond of Wacan Berries. When he was younger, he was able to defeat a Wattrel after finding one. Kirby was very kind and thoughtful, even if he could come off as innocent sometimes. He prefers to be more defensive in battles. Ziggy was the Salandit. He had a more scrappy and blunt personality. He can be sly and mischievous sometimes. Being the Fire type, he was the one that set up fires at their camps. He liked to be on the attack during battles. Ziggy liked Chesto Berries because they fed into his horrible sleep schedule. The Rockruff was Rory. He was very shy and soft-spoken. He always tried to stay calm and collected, even in the most stressful situations. Rory preferred to support more during battles. Nanab Berries were one of his favorite comfort foods.

            Quincy took some of each of the requested berries and put them in his pot over the fire. Kirby, Ziggy, and Rory started their game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
            "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!"
            "Oh, well of course," said Ziggy. "Why am I even surprised? A frickin' tie."
            The three Pokémon threw their usual starting choices: Kirby with Paper, Ziggy with Rock, and Rory with Scissors. After this, the game proceeded in a mostly normal way. Ziggy won the most rounds (he was pretty good at mind games) and gloated about it for the rest of the night. Quincy finished cooking dinner and the four Pokémon went to get their portions of the soup.
            "Leave enough for the other three of us to eat."
            Quincy looked annoyed as Ziggy almost put half of the soup on his bowl.
            "What can I say? I really like food," said Ziggy, as he reluctantly put back some of the soup. Quincy, Kirby, and Rory got their portions and the four Pokémon sat down in the grass to eat. Rory ate slowly, savoring every bite of his food. Kirby and Ziggy ate at what could have been considered normal speeds. Quincy, on the other hand, ate really quickly.
            "What's up?" asked Kirby.
            "Oh it's... it's nothing."
            Quincy clearly had something on his mind, but Kirby had an idea of how to cheer him up and tell the others what was going on. Kirby gave a glance and a slight smirk to Ziggy and Rory. Without saying a word, they all came up with a plan. While Quincy was still lost in thought, they put their plan into action. They all snuck up behind Quincy and waited until the moment was right. Just as the moment became right, they acted.


            Before Quincy could even cognize the situation, he was surrounded by the loving arms of his teammates, his partners, his boyfriends. Quincy's worries melted away as his senses were filled with the love he was surrounded by.
            "Aww... thanks guys. I... really needed this."
            "Anything for you Q-twig," Ziggy affectionately said.
"So, what's been on your mind?"
            "Oh, just the usual."
            "Q, you know we can make a difference in the world."
            "I know Zig, but, what if we can't? We're just some random Pokémon from nowhere. We have no reputation, no connections, none of us have even evolved yet!"
            Rory decided to chime in.
            "Hey, that will come with time. No team's fame was built in a day. We just have to keep fighting for what we believe in."
            "You are correct Ror," responded Quincy. "But still, what if we don't even have what it takes to begin with?"
            Kirby then said, "Quin, we have the greatest gift of all, each other!"
            Quincy looked at the other three's smiles. They filled him with comfort and hope. "Thanks guys. I was overreacting... again. Zig, Ror, Kirb, my sweets, I don't know what I'd do without you." Quincy gave the other three a big squeeze.

            The four lovers cuddled for a little bit longer, and then, Quincy stood up and stretched.
            "Well, I think it's time."
            With those words, the other three Pokémon also stood up and stretched.
This is because it was "time" to practice battling.
"So," started Quincy "free-for-all or teams?"
            "Alright, free-for-all it is."
            The four Pokémon moved away from the fire for their battle.
            "Let's try to work on our weak points when not fighting as a team, and by my calculations, you're all going down," said Quincy.
            "As if, this gives me a chance to work on my offense, but I know that offense isn't everything, so I think I'm going to win," said Kirby with a smirk.
            "Ha! Hilarious. You think with your 'defense' you can break through my offense? I've already won Rock, Paper, Scissors tonight, so prepare to lose!" boasted Ziggy.
            "I think you all are forgetting about patience. Hostility can only get you so far in a battle. They say 'slow and steady wins the race,' and slow and steady is my middle name," said Rory with great confidence.
The four Pokémon started to prepare their first attacks.





Word Count: 942

Author's Note:

            OMG THE FIRST CHAPTER OF MY FIRST FIC! Thanks so much for reading. So, what do you guys think so far about the main team? Who's your favorite? I don't currently have a schedule for when I'll be posting chapters but hopefully it will be at the very least every two weeks. Thanks again for the support and I hope you continue reading when more is posted.

P.S. - Give me feedback and let me know of any spelling/grammatical errors! See y'all in the next chapter!

-Ratboy Junior

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