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Ten and Byeol decided to drop off their stuff at the latter's house. Byeol also had enough scarves and gloves for the two of them. They grabbed their phones and Byeol took her purse from her bag (Ten's money was on his phone case) and they headed to the ice rink. Thankfully, it was close by, and the surprisingly warm weather made the walk all the better.

"I've never been ice skating before," Byeol was saying as they neared the building. Ten hummed in response, typing something on his phone. Oblivious, she continued, "I hope you've been ice skating before."

"Mmhm," Ten mumbled, frowning at his screen.

"I mean, you're probably already good- ice skating requires balance, grace, and immunity to the cold. You're a skilled dancer and, well, you live in Canada, so I bet you'd be great!" She said with a roll of her eyes.


"Not gonna lie, though, I'm a little anxious... what if I fall? Oh my gosh, what if I break something else?! Are you sure this was a good idea?"

"Mmhm." He said for the 500th time. Byeol stopped in her tracks and looked at him as he kept walking forward... right into a pole. He cursed and grabbed his head, groaning and rubbing the now red patch of skin. Byeol burst into laughter and he glared at her.

"What are you laughing at?! It hurts..." He pouted, finally putting his phone in his pocket and sulking.

"I-I'm sorry," She said between gasps. "This is what happens when you pay more attention to your phone than the birthday girl!" She said triumphantly.

"But I was- ah, forget it. Look, we're here!" He grabbed Byeol's wrist and they ran to the entrance. There were a handful of people inside the building, but otherwise, it seemed pretty empty.

Ten bought two wristbands (Byeol tried to buy her own but he said the birthday person should never pay on their birthday) and they went on to get their skate rentals. Once they got their sizes, Ten helped the inexperienced girl tie her skates, then tied his own. They put on their gloves and scarves, and then Ten jumped up on his feet, standing on those thin blades, and Byeol just stared at him for a moment.

"Do you just... stand up?" She asked, surprised. He held out his hand and she took it, gradually rising to her feet with wobbly knees.

"You okay?" He asked, holding her elbows. Byeol checked her balance, then nodded. "Alright, let's go!" He waddled lightning-speed down the hallway to the entrance of the rink and Byeol's jaw dropped.

"Yah! Wait up!" She shouted after him, trying to walk as quickly and carefully as she could- she didn't want to fall before she even got on the ice. Ten waited at the door, hand on his hip and amused smile on his face as he watched the girl struggle. She finally reached him and he just stared at her for a moment, still smiling.

"Oh, shut up, Canadian boy." She mumbled and he grinned, holding her hand and guiding her onto the ice.

They both thought Byeol would be okay because, like, she had Ten. Ten the pro ice skater.



It was utter chaos.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO ICE SKATE?!" Byeol said loudly in the barely half-full rink. She was gripping the railings for dear life while Ten struggled to stay on his feet.

"I-It's been, uh, two or three years..." He mumbled, then spread out his arms in efforts to regain balance.

"I knew this was a bad idea!" She pouted, deciding to forget about Ten and try to figure out her way on the ice. She tried to move her right foot forward, but that made her left foot slip backwards, and she grabbed onto the railings again before she fell.

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