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𝗣𝗢𝗩: Nezuko wants to show her new friend flowers

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𝗣𝗢𝗩: Nezuko wants to show her new friend flowers


Nezuko start to run to Tanjiro with a smile you can see in the bamboo a little when Tanjiro sees Nezuko he smiles "What do you need Nezuko?" He said in his soft tone

"Mhmm!" Nezuko said make a flower with her hands "You want to show Eijiro flowers?" Nezuko nod her head in happiness "I think Eijiro maybe like that Nezuko! , do you think you can go by your self?" Tanjiro ask/said

"Mhm" Nezuko said nod her head "Ok, but be careful and make sure you come back before the sun comes up ok Nezuko" Nezuko does a nod and touch his head pushing him down to go back to sleep

She leaves the room and go to look for Eijiro and Midoriya
she knock on the door the door open to be Eijiro "Mmm?" Kirishima said with a confused look on his face

"Mhmm mhm" Nezuko said Kirishima nod "Mhm!" Nezuko said puting her arms up in to air after she was done she grab Eijiro hand and start to run in to the forest

They stop at a places where there was flower all over ground and good glass "Mhm? (Is it pretty Eijiro?)" The black hair boy look at Nezuko and smile with a nod "mhm" Kirishima said as the bamboo on his mouth start to move

Nezuko let go Ejiro hand in run into the flowers she stops in go down and pick a flower out of the ground and run to Eijiro she then put a flower in his head that was red

"mhm hm (you look pretty Eijiro)" Nezuko said redness start to grow a kirishima "mhm.. (Thank you)" he responded

Eijiro eyes widen and he start to walk in to the flowers and pick one he walks to Nezuko and put it in her head she touch it and look up at it the flower was pink "mhm hm (you look pretty too)" he said to the girl with pink eyes

They stayed all night untill they seen the sun was coming up Nezuko wanted to take Eijiro to the her little flower place again and Eijiro wanted to go

𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗(𝗦): 371


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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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