Start from the beginning

♡ ༘*.゚Now Playing: Baby Don't Stop by NCT U

"I don't know, it's a lot of bulging eyes and rotting flesh." Kitty eyebrows furrowed as she made a disgusted expression. Q and Sooha looked at her as if she had said the most offensive thing in the world.

"This is a classic kitty!" Q scoffed and Sooha nodded with her arms folded. The trio sat in the school lobby as they watched a horror movie on Qs' Laptop.

"You know you should be watching this with q? Florian~ and Sooha! You should be hanging out with Minho somewhere." Kitty pointed at Q then at Sooha and Sooha just stared at her in disbelief. Did she notice the way she felt about Minho?

"Q! You guys are vibing! And Minho definitely has a thing for you Sooha~" Sooha shook her head.

"No he doesn't.." Sooha refuses to believe that Minho had anymore romantic feelings left for her. After her breaking up with him out of nowhere there's no way he would. Q noticed the mention of Minho and tried to avert the attention clearly seeing Sooha bothered by it.

"Uhm- kitty! Any ideas on what we should do later?" Q snapped his head towards Kitty and smiled at her trying to send her then hint.

"Oh! What if we get a group together tomorrow for a party? We'll invite Florian, he'll get hooked on the show and you~ , and start watching more episodes with fewer people at night." Kitty put her hands on her hips and straightened her posture to show how proud she was of her genius plan.

"Yeah q! Take it a little at a time." Sooha calmed down and put her hand on Qs' shoulder.

"Yeah right, like how you." He pointed at kitty.

"Flew across the world for Dae, WITHOUT telling him. That's totally a great example of baby steps." He folded his arms and huffed. Kitty dropped her posture.

"Hey! If I hadn't I wouldn't have met you or Sooha~" Kitty wiggled her fingers in Soohas' direction and the brown haired girl smiled.

"You got me there." Q laughed embarrassed and Kitty chuckled.

"And that I have a secret sibling somewhere in Korea!" Kitty smiled brightly and squealed making Sooha laugh out loud.

"What sucks is that I can't tell Dae any of this because Yuri's always around. I miss my best friend." Kitty sulked and clung into Sooha. Sooha didn't mind and she actually tried to make kitty a little more comfortable. Maybe she was going to like her being here.

"Well I know one place Dae will be but Yuri definitely won't."

"And what's that?"

"Nature, that girl is not outdoorsy at all, and you're talking to the president of KISSs' outdoors club. First hike is tomorrow~" Q smirked and Kitty squealed and hugged him saying thank you about a thousand times.

♡ ༘*.゚Now Playing: Halazia by ATEEZ

Sooha was already walking through the halls on her way outside. Kitty was already there and so was Dae. Kitty texted her. As she was walking someone ran up to her side and put their arm over her shoulders. She looked to her left to see Minho?! Her eyes went wide and she moved away from him. He looked at her confused.

"Yah, did I do something? You've been avoiding me lately. And the other day you said you missed being around me. Why are you acting so different now?"

"Because!..." Sooha stopped herself to calm down. She didn't want to yell. She grabbed Minhos' hand and dragged him to an empty corner in the school. Minho crossed his arms and stared down at the short girl in front of him. She took a deep breath and looked up at him.

 ♡ ༘*.゚ MANIAC | MIN-HO Where stories live. Discover now