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"You don't need to replace Jules Enzo I had one Jules and I have one Enzo and that's enough for me." I said and hugged him and whispered a thank you.

"By the way well done Champion." He said with a proud look on his face.


"Lewis you told my mum!"I said and hit his arm.

"Look you have to understand she looked at me with those, gosh those eyes will be the death of me." He said adoringly,disgusting but cute.

"Eww Lewis don't simp for my mum in front of me!"

"Shut up,by the way she's approaching."

"Shit see-"

"Too late I already saw you my champion." She said and pulled me back and hugged me.

"I'm happy for you and Charles but I'm even more proud of you winning a championship and I know my brother and yours would've been even prouder." She said while her eyes watered a bit.

"Thanks mummy." I said and hugged her again even tighter.

"Can I join?" Lewis asked from the side.

"Get in here Lew." I said to him as he joined us in our hug.


"Seb the man of the hour my favorite why haven't I been able to see you that much?" I said as I approached him where he was standing with Charles.

"Because you were busy being a hostess if you weren't such a great driver I'd recommend you becoming a party planner." Seb said as he gave me a gentle smile, "And you don't have to lie and say I'm your favorite we all know it's this one Ferrari driver." He said and side eyed Charles who had a fond look on his face.

"Oh yes Carlos." I said and laughed as Charles put his drunk down and gave me look.

"This is where I leave." Seb said and walked away giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"It's not good to lie mi amor." He said as he walked closer to me while maintaining eye contact with me.

"After all its not like you are moaning his name like sinful prayer majority of your nights." He whispered to me as he leant down kissing under my ear.

"Charles..." I whimpered, "Not here."

"You are right not here." He said took my hand and interlocked our fingers as we walked towards the valet.After he had got his keys we went to his car that was parked somewhere in the middle.

"Charles where are we going." I asked as he pulled me along making sure that I don't trip over my feet.

"To the right place."

"And where's that?"

"In my drivers seat."


I was on Charles lap in the driver seat as we were making out. His hand trailed to the zip of my dress at the back pulling it down as he kissed around my neck. When all of a sudden Charles door opened and we both jumped up in shock resulting in me hitting my head on the roof of the car.

"Ow!" I exclaimed rubbing the sore spot as Charles turned away from the person to check if I'm ok.

"OH MY DAYS I NEED TO WASH MY EYES WITH HOLY WATER!" Lando exclaimed,what was he even doing here.

"Lando wait." Charles called out to him as he zipped my dress back up and helped me out of the car while readjusting his pants.

"What in the name of enemies to lovers is going on?!" Lando exclaimed as he looked wildly disturbed.

The New Racer ~ Charles Leclerc Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum