Chapter 1

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Ice woke up the same way she always did; surrounded by her litter-mates who simply could not be quiet. A blue-furred she-wolf stood over her, lolling her tongue. The wolf looked just like Ice, even having the blank white stare DawnPack knew her for. However, those eyes were white because she lost her sight at birth, while Ice's was red. Despite this, Crystal had an excellent sense of smell.

"Wake up, Ice!" Crystal exclaimed like the world would end. "Swan is calling a meeting. We're going to become True Wolves," she barked. Ice searched for her other sister, Ivory, but she was nowhere to be found. Reluctantly, she stood and guided her sister outside. Though her smell was great, Crystal struggled to find the exits and entrances of dens.

The two pups left, emerging in busy chattering and the activities of the wolves around them. DawnPack's only other Apprentice, Topaz, was showing off to some pups. The dark gray he-wolf's fur shone in the sunlight, reflecting his striped body well. Blaze and Sage watched, one with admiration and the other with eagerness to do something else, as Topaz did the most basic of fighting moves. He leaped over then, whipping around to strike a nearby stick into two.

"See? It's easy! The stick is foolish to be near my paws," he added, puffing out his light gray chest. Once away from her den's walls, Ice started searching for Moon. Though she had two litter-sisters, there was no one else she felt safe with, aside from Moon. The orange-and-white wolf reminded Ice of her parent-wolves, who went missing as far as she could remember.

Moon rested on a wet patch of grass, the soaked blades giving water to her fur. Her black eye patches stood out against the bright colors around her, and Moon's amber eyes opened to face Ice. The True Wolf stood up, her shadow falling onto the blue-furred wolf as she approached.

"Hi, Moon," Ice greeted, calm and true to her name. Moon's orange-spotted tail wagged a little in reply.

"Are you excited for your ceremony?" she asked.

"Of course! We all are," Ice added. Moon gave an amused expression.

"I remember acting the same way during my ceremony," she said, "my parent-wolves get annoyed with me and my litter-sister. We wouldn't stop talking about it!" her body slumped as a new memory settled into Moon's mind. Her next words came as a mumble. "If only they were still here..."

Ice came closer to wrap her tail around Moon's body. It was small, so it couldn't go far, but it lifted Moon's spirits with a sad smile. When Ice and her siblings arrived, Moon was already alone, and no one would say what happened. All she knew was that outsiders were involved. Her story always made Ice feel closer; they shared a common tragedy.

"Want to visit the pond?" Moon suggested. "I might as well enjoy this last day of being your mentor."

Ice gave a small nod and bounded to find Crystal. She always loved the pond, even though she couldn't see it. Crystal would make remarks about how strange it smelled, and how squishy the ground was under her paws. The blind she-wolf was sitting a distance from Topaz, engaging in a chat.

"How do you not hit the walls?" Topaz questioned.

"I hit them sometimes, usually when I just wake up..." Crystal began, only to feel the air change as Ice approached her. "Ice, Moon," she greeted in a formal way. Ice had yet to see her respond with harsh words, even if someone was being rude to her.

"Want to visit the pond?" Ice asked. Crystal's blank gaze drifted aimlessly, almost unsettlingly, until she replied.


Topaz stepped forward. "Wait! Can I come?"

"I thought you never liked the pond," Ice narrowed her eyes. He'd been denying attempts to go for as long as she could remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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