C rank mission(Part 2)

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Sakura and Sasuke woke up so we headed to the village.
We finally arrived at the village, it was unusually cold and silent like no one lived here but there were a few people walking around.
I went to one of the villagers that looked like she saw a ghost.
Me: Excuse me ma,am? Are you okay?
She looked at me, and quickly walked away. I was quite confused and a bit concerned about her. I saw her enter a house and there all the lights go dark in that house, until red covered one of the windows then the curtain closed. I heard heavy breathing behind me and saw Sakura comforting Sasuke who seems to be having a panic attack. It must be something related to the past.
Me: Sasuke! Listen to me! Name four things you feel.
Sasuke: The ground...you...and nothing else.
It seems he's calming down, slowly though.
Me: Name four things you hear.
Sasuke: Your voice...my voice...and my heavy breathing...bird sounds.
Me: Name four things you see.
Sasuke: You...Sakura...buildings...and... my arms.
He finally calmed down, I was afraid he was gonna faint. Sasuke and I stood up and Sakura hugged him, he was a blushing mess right now. His face was even redder than a tomato, oh if only Itachi san was here to see that face. He would be teasing him until the end of his life span, or maybe even in heaven for all I know. Yeah, there's a 75% chance of him doing that. Maybe I should tell him this when I see him.
Me: You two go ask around. I'm going to that lady's house to investigate.
Both of them nodded and went to ask the people who were still outside.
I secretly activated the serpent demon slayer mark as it was the most hidden mark. My senses started to increase, I widen my eyes because I sensed a......

A DEMON!? But demons usually stay in forests, these days. I will need to wait until midnight to check that house though. I heard shouting behind me, I turned around and saw Sakura being hit by a drunk old man. Sasuke was yelling at him, I appeared behind him then held him by the throat and chocked him.
Sakura, Sasuke: Sensei!?
Me: Who do you think you are for hitting my student!
Old man: She kept pestering with questions nonstop about people disappearing but there has been no problems in this village. Wait... I know you! You're that human who Master warned us about! You, get out of our village! You have no righ-
I knocked him out because his voice was beginning to annoy me.
Me: Come on, let's go find a wisteria house where we can stay in for the day.
Time for Taisho Secrets
1. There was someone spying on the team.
2. Sasuke was planning an assassination attempt in his mind when the old man hit Sakura.
Gomenasai but I won't be updating until my exams and TSAs are over. It's also been mentioned in the last A/N so you know I won't be updating. Oh! And I almost forgot to press the publish button when I finished. See you after the you know!!!

「The Silent Serpent」Naruto Various x Female Iguro Reader x Kny (paused)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora