Ch. 8 Why are you being so nice to me?

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Zuko's golden eyes intently stared at Iroh and Kairi. He still couldn't believe his Uncle would protect Kairi. 

" Uncle! What were you thinking coming in front of the flames? You could have gotten burned!" Zuko shouts. 

Iroh stands and sternly stares at Zuko. 

" And have a defenseless lady get burned instead. No, I could not let that happen," Iroh firmly speaks. 

Zuko and Iroh looked at each other with mixed emotions. 

" She's the Avatar, Uncle. She was air-bending earlier! And she is wearing clothing from the Water Tribe. So, she must also know how to water bend," Zuko looks past Iroh to Kairi. 

" You have gotten delusional, Nephew," Iroh responded, causing Zuko to look at him angrily. " Just because she can bend two elements doesn't mean she is the Avatar. One of her parents must have been a descendant of an Air bender, and she could have gotten that ability from them," He explains. 

" And besides, all-natural Air benders have been extinct," Iroh murmured. " So, seeing someone air-bending is rare in this era," He turns to look at Kairi. 

Kairi opens her blue-grey eyes and looks at everyone warily. 

' These people are looking for Aang,' Kairi internally speaks. ' I cannot let them find Aang,' She lightly bites her lips. 

Kairi breathes and uses the air within her body to give her the strength to move her right leg. She winced when she felt intense pain over her right leg where Iroh had fallen earlier. She stands, holding in pain, and sternly looks at Zuko. 

" He's right. I am the Avatar," Kairi speaks, causing Zuko and Iroh to look at her with mixed emotions. 

" I knew it!" Zuko smirks while Iroh looks at his nephew and Kairi worryingly. 

" If I stay with you two, do you agree to leave the South Pole?" Kairi asked. 

Iroh hummed, thinking Kairi was sacrificing herself so that Zuko and his soldiers wouldn't hurt the Southern Water Tribe. 

" Yes. We'll leave," Zuko responded. 

Kairi turns around, causing Zuko to get tensed, thinking she will escape. However, he held himself when he saw Kairi look at her surroundings. 

" I am going to miss this place, which I call home," Kairi says. 

Iroh sadly stared at Kairi. 

" At least I know my loved ones are going to be safe," Kairi sadly smiled. She turns around and holds her hands out to Zuko and Iroh. 

" You guys can handcuff me now. I have a feeling you want me as your prisoner and not as a guest," Kairi's blue-grey eyes intently stared at Zuko and Iroh's golden eyes. 

Zuko opens his mouth to say something, but Iroh cuts him off. 

" We are not going to handcuff you," Iroh speaks, causing Zuko to glare at his Uncle. " Come. You must be hungry," He gently takes Kairi's hand and escorts her into the ship. 

Zuko and the soldiers watched Iroh and Kairi enter the ship. 

" I cannot believe this," Zuko groaned, looking annoyed. 

Iroh escorts Kairi to the dining room, where he, Zuko, and the soldiers occasionally eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner because everyone tends to eat in their specific rooms. 

" I am aware that our foods and cultures are different. So, I hope you like these dishes," Iroh spots the Chef in the kitchen and motions him to serve him and Kairi breakfast. 

Burning Love [ATLAB Fanfic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang