Ch. 6 Who are you?

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Kairi steps inside the tent and sees Aang sitting on a pillow with Katara beside him. She looked away and saw Kanna crouching in front of a wooden chest and rummaging through it.

" My father, Sora, was twelve when he fell from the sky at the South Pole," Kanna explains, and she smiles when she sees a black leather photo album.

Kairi sat near the entrance, wanting to give Kanna and Aang space. She glanced at Katara, thinking her younger sister was intruding on their private moment.

Aang smiled at Kanna and saw her turn, holding a black leather photo album in her grasp.

" Here," Kanna hands the black leather photo album to Aang.

Aang takes the black leather photo album and opens it. He stared at the pictures with mixed emotions. He felt sad that he wasn't there to watch Sora grow up. However, he was happy that his best friend grew up peacefully, found love, and had a family.

"Gran-Gran," Katara looks at Kanna while Kairi raises an eyebrow.

" Yes?" Kanna turns her gaze to Katara.

" Why did you never tell us Kairi can air bend?" Katara asked.

Kairi annoyingly rolled her blue-grey eyes.

Kanna glanced at Kairi and looked at Katara.

" I told Kairi not to air bend in front of you and the others because air benders were known to be extinct, and I want to ensure that she was safe and protected because the current Avatar is an air bender, and the Fire Nation would have killed her," Kanna explained.

Aang lifted his head and glanced at Kairi, looking at her with mixed emotions.

Kairi saw Aang looking at her, and she smiled at him.

" Did Dad know?" Katara asked, not liking that she got kept in the dark.

" Yes, your Father knew. Your Father often watched her train and when he left for War. He asked me to continue watching your sister train since I know air-bending culture because of my Father," Kanna responded.

Katara looked at Kanna with mixed emotions. She turns her gaze to Kairi and looks at her furiously.

" So, Mom died because of her then!" Katara shouts, thinking that the Fire Nation soldier who killed Kya intended to kill Kairi because she was an air bender, and their mother sacrificed her life to protect Kairi.

Kairi's blue-grey eyes dimmed. Tears appeared in her eyes since she didn't like that Katara blamed her for Kya's death. Memories of that awful day resurface, causing tears to fall.

" Katara!" Kanna stared at Katara sternly.

" If Kairi had revealed herself to them, Mom would be here right now," Katara angrily speaks.

Kairi stands and runs out of the tent, tears falling from her blue eyes.

Sokka was interacting with the children, telling them they would play the Water Tribe Warrior game in the morning. One of the children spotted Kairi, and they were about to call her when they saw she was crying.

" Something's wrong with Kairi, Sokka," One of the children speaks, causing Sokka to turn and see Kairi jump and use air to fly away from the Southern Water Tribe.

" Kairi!" Sokka screams. " Kairi! Come back! It's dark out there," He runs towards the Tribe's entrance. " Kairi!" Tears welled up in his blue eyes, looking scared when he saw Kairi blend in with the night sky.

Kanna and Aang were walking out of the tent when they heard Sokka scream. They looked at their surroundings and saw that Kairi was nowhere in sight.

" Sokka! Where is Kairi?" Kanna asked, looking worried.

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