chapter six

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I stare down at the 96 on my paper and frown, looking down on my answers. When I spot my stupid mistake, my lips purse in annoyance.

Come on...

Don't get me wrong. 96 is not bad, but it could have easily been a 100 if I was more careful.

"How much did you get?" I ask Hero, trying to see his mark. He's already shoving the test in his folder.

He looks down at the red mark on my test, before meeting my eyes again. "95," he says and a smile forms on my lips.


He rolls his eyes at my excited outburst. The ringing of the bell interrupts his scribbling and makes him stand up, leaving my pen inside his notebook.

Before walking away from the desk, I take my pen from his notebook and put it back in my pencil case.

My eyebrows furrow looking down at the paper. Doodles of small cats all snuggled up are scattered on the paper.

That's so cute.

When I get to my locker, my arms wrap around Paige's slim waist. She turns to look at me and leans back, pecking my cheek.

"Is it just me or is it awfully quiet today?" She questions and leans her body on the metal boxes behind her. "And I haven't seen your sad excuse of a boyfriend either. Such a good day."

A bright smile takes over her face. With a shake of my head, I open my locker taking out my bag of homemade biscuits. Paige takes the bag out of my hand before I even get the chance to shut my locker.

"Your mum's an amazing cook and baker, a prestigious architect and the best mum in the world. What can't she do?" She bites one of the biscuits before giving me the bag. I take one as well and break it in half, before eating the smaller part first.

"Good morning, girls. How are you doing?" Ms Lewis approaches us, a soft smile on her face.

"Hello, Miss. Everything's good. How about you? Would you like a biscuit? My mum made them." I extend my hand to her, offering the paper bag. She accepts, taking a bite from one.

"This is very good and just made my day even better. Thank you," she says and I nod at her, with a kind smile.

"I'll see you in class, alright?" Ms Lewis walks away and Paige turns to look at me, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Mr Smith has a girlfriend, right?" Paige questions and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. That was random.

"Yeah, why?"

"Don't you think Ms Lewis would make a fine Mrs Smith? They are both so good-looking and the best people in the world." I stiffle a laugh, looking towards the direction Ms Lewis went. Mr Smith and Ms Lewis are standing at the end of the hallway, conversing.

"You aren't wrong. They kind of look good together." We both gasp when they walk side by side around the corner. Paige wraps her arm around mine and we start walking to class, before the bell rings.

"Where's Sofia?" I ask, when her seat remains empty five minutes after the bell rang.

Paige shrugs. "She's probably skipping again, because I saw her coming in this morning." Her words make me frown.

"Does she wanna fail or something?" I ask and my best friend shrugs her shoulders again, putting her textbooks on the desk.

"It's her funeral."

Hero sits beside me, his knee touching mine as he lays on his chair, legs spread. "This is not your living room, Hero." I roll my eyes at him annoyed and he just shrugs.

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