Chapter 9 The Unofficial Date

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Love is giving someone power
to destroy you…
But trusting them not to.


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The air inside the dimly lit cell hung heavy with despair, suffocating every breath she took. Aurelia clutched her trembling hands, her heart pounding against her ribcage as she surveyed the four walls closing in on her. It was that man’s twisted form of punishment, locking her away in this confining space, triggering her deepest fears.

Claustrophobia had always haunted her, a fear she couldn’t escape no matter how hard she tried. He knew this, exploiting her vulnerability to exert control over her. As the heavy metal door slammed shut, cutting off any glimpse of light or hope, panic seized her entire being.

Hours turned into an eternity as she curled up on the cold, hard floor, her body shivering uncontrollably. Darkness enveloped her, gnawing at her sanity. Every creak, every whisper of wind outside the cell sent shivers down her spine, amplifying her terror.

Lost in the abyss of her own mind, Aurelia’s cries for help echoed through the void. Tears stained her cheeks as she pleaded for release, her voice raw and desperate. But her pleas fell on deaf ears, lost in the isolation of her confinement.

As the night wore on, exhaustion overcame her, pulling her into a restless slumber. In her dreams, the walls closed in, squeezing the air from her lungs, suffocating her in a sea of darkness. She fought against the invisible restraints, gasping for breath, desperate to escape the suffocating grip of her fears.


A sudden jolt disrupted her nightmare, ripping her from the clutches of her subconscious. She blinked her eyes open, disoriented and trembling. Gradually, the darkness gave way to soft, warm light, and the sound of her own name reached her ears.

“Aurelia, wake up it’s me Alexander”

Her thought skipped a beat as her boss  soothing voice penetrated the haze of a disoriented mind. she struggled to focus, her vision adjusting to the sight of Alexander’s concerned face hovering over her.

blinking away the remnants of her nightmare, Aurelia clung to the reality of Alexander’s presence. , Strong arms wrapped around her pulling her into A tight embrace.

“it was just a dream love” he murmured his voice a soothing balm “you are safe now I’m here”.

Tears welled up in her eyes as relief washed over her. she buried her face in his chest breathing in the sent of his cologne grounding herself in the comfort he provided as she trembled with sobs.

As she fought to regain control over her racing heartbeat. She gazed at Alexander, the man who had unexpectedly become her confidant, unsure of how to explain the lingering effects of her painful past.

“I-I’m sorry,” she stammered, her voice trembling. “It was just a bad dream, but it felt so real. I… I was trapped, confined in a tiny cell. I couldn’t breathe.”

The remnants of panic began to dissipate as she focused on his presence, his touch grounding her in reality. She clung to him, her body trembling with the aftershocks of her nightmare.

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