Chapter 27

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Quickly, Janner recovered from his wounds. In only a matter of days they had sealed over.

Throughout that time, Sara hadn't left him, except to get food or rest.

The family had gotten news that the Fang fleet had "run into" the Hollish fleet. 

The Hollishfolk burned all of the Fang ships, and killed all of the Fangs. But they had captured the Overseer and brought him to Ban Rona for trial. They were charging him with Child Abuse, Crimes against the Royal Family, Kidnapping, Starvation of Children, and even Murder. The Keeper had some Durgans look into the Overseers past, and when they found out what the man had done, everyone was horrified.

One day, Sara had come to Janner with a question.

"So," she said once she found him in the library. "When are know...gonna plan the wedding?"

Janner looked up from his book, surprised at what she said. It had been a month since the incident with the Fangs, and they hadn't even discussed a wedding in that time.

"Well, we'll have to talk to Kal about that." He finally replied.

Sara didn't seem to be content with that. But she let it slid. "So, I was thinking, we could have it in the forest over by the west wing of the castle-"

Janner set his book down. "We should probably talk to my mother about this."

Sara nodded her head. "But I have so many idea's! We could invite Gammon and-"

"And I'm sure we'll get all of it figured out, soon. Let's talk to my mother before we go any further."

Sara considered what he said. She sat in the chair net to Janner. "But, I've had these ideas stored up in my head forever!"

"Sara, I wouldn't say one month is forever." Janner chuckled.

"I've had these ideas for about 5 years." She shot back, grinning.

Janner raised his hands in defense. "Alright, I stand corrected."

Sara giggled, then continued. "Alright, we can talk about it later." She smiled as she sat up from her chair up. "I might actually take a nap. I feel tired."

Janner chuckled. "I honestly feel kind of tired too. I'll probably take a nap as well."

Footsteps interrupted their conversation. Kal walked into the library.

Janner sighed. "Hey Kal-"

Kal cut him off. "Janner. I need to talk to you."


Sara headed for the door. "I'll let you two talk-"

"Actually this concerns you too." Kal said. 

"Oh, ok." Sara sat next to Janner.

Kal looked at them. "So. Marriage. That-that's a big step."

Janner rolled his eyes, bracing for one of Kal's totally weird and confusing yet long lectures.

Sara sighed. "Kal, what do you want? I can tell you're up to something."

Kal shifted on his feet where he was standing. "Well, I was um...hoping for some advise."

"On?" Janner's curiosity was piqued.

"Well, I...uh...kind of like someone." Kal said nervously.

"Who?" Janner and Sara asked in unison.

"Is it Galya? I knew you liked her!" Janner laughed.

Kal hesitantly nodded his head. "...yeah. It's her. But how do I know if she likes me back?" He looked at Sara.

"Well," Sara said. "First, you should figure out if she knows you like her."

"How? Will you ask her? Please?" Kal got on his knees in front of Sara and put his hands together. "Please?"

Janner laughed as Sara rolled her eyes. "Fine." She said. "But on one condition."

Kal looked up. "What?"

Sara grinned. "You yourself have to tell Galya that you like her."


"No 'buts!"

"But what if she already knows I like her?"

Sara shook her head. "You still have to tell her yourself."

Kal looked very nervous. "Um...Janner?"

Janner looked over at him. "Hmm?"

" me up?"

" Sara is right. You should tell yourself."

Kal threw his head back and wailed. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine." Without another word, he stomped out of the library.

The moment he left, Janner and Sara busted out laughing.

"This is gonna be fun to watch!" Janner exclaimed.

Sara nodded her head in agreement.

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