Chapter 19

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Considering what was currently happening in Anniera, with the Fangs, this good news was certainly needed. Communication between the towns of Anniera were still strong, so the news spread quickly of the engagement. The people were very happy for them.

"So, do we have any news?" Kal asked his royal advisors.

The royal hall remained silent.

Janner sighed. "We need some sort of news."

Harold stepped forward. "If I may, Your Majesties."

Kal looked at his siblings, then nodded.

Harold spoke loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "I think we should send someone out to seek the general and his men out, and give us a report. Someone who is trained in the ways of the Durgans, so they know how to sneak, and fight."

Every eye turned to Janner. 

When he thought about it, it wasn't such a bad idea, considering the training he had. It was too risky to send Kal out, since he was the king. And Artham would need to stay with the family.

Kal looked at Janner. "Will you do it?"

Janner sighed. "I need to talk to someone before I give my answer."

Kal raised his voice so everyone could hear him. "I will give the Throne Warden 20 minutes. Will that suffice?"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Kal spoke in a hushed whisper. "Janner, this is dangerous. Are you sure?"

"Only if she agrees. If she doesn't, then I will not go." Janner replied just as quietly.

Leeli sighed. "Stay safe."

Janner smiled. "I'll try."

"It doesn't help that it's winter." Kal said.

"Hey, it'll be like when I was blindplopped." Janner laughed.

"Except you're an adult now, have a new fiancé who will kill everyone in here if she finds out you got hurt at all, and we're in Anniera." Kal said.

Janner smiled. "I'll go now."

And with that, Janner Wingfeather hurried out of there, prepared to make a life-or-death situation.


Janner hurried through the halls of the castle, searching for Sara. He finally found her in the library, on the aisle he had proposed to her in. She was organizing some of the books.

This is gonna be rough. He thought.

"Janner, what's wrong? You look like you've run all the way from the courtroom." Sara said as he approached her.

Janner laughed a little. "Funny thing, that's actually exactly what I did. But, there's something I need to discuss with you."

"Spit it out, I can tell you're hiding something." She said.

"Okay, so everyone wants me to, uh, go out and look for the general." Janner said quickly.

"What did you say?"

"I said I needed to talk to you about it."

Sara blushed a bit. "Well, it's a very dangerous task. Are you sure you wanna do it?"

Janner sighed. "I'm the only option. We need a report on the Fangs as soon as possible, so we'll know what to do or expect."

Sara sighed. "No matter how much I don't want you to go, you need to."

Janner pulled her into a hug. "Alright. But, if at all, you really, really don't want me to go, just say the word, and I well stay."

"Alright, but your country needs you." She muttered into his shoulder.

Janner hugged her tighter. "I'll miss you."

"I love you Janner Wingfeather."

"I love you too."


Okay, so I honestly felt like for that one scene when Janner and Sara are talking, the song Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons would really fit it well. In a way, I guess. So, yeah. There's that.

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