Chapter 18

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Okay, be prepared for a short yet romance-filled chapter.


Sara sat in the library, looking though the many shelves of books. She had gotten bored, so having nothing else to do, decided to read.

She picked up a book that fell on the floor. The title read Marriage Guide. She sighed. She was still a bit impatient with Janner. 

The sound of footsteps snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned to see Janner quickly walk up to her.

"Oh! Janner, is there more news?" She asked.

Janner smiled, and shook his head. "No, not yet. I need to talk to you though."

She wondered why he looked so nervous. "Okay, what's wrong?"

Janner hesitated a moment, then became serious. "Sara, you know I love you."

"Janner, ever since that Dragon Day Festival, I knew I was in love."

Janner blushed. "I-I have something to ask you."

Sara had a feeling she knew what it was. "Yes?"

He got down on one knee. "Sara w-"

Sara got on her knees in front of him. "Yes!"

Janner felt a wave of relief and pure joy wash over him. He hugged her, then leaned a bit out of the hug.

He looked her in the eyes. "I love you so much." He said.

"I love you too." She replied just as softly.

They then kissed as Kal snuck through the library. He came to the aisle of shelved that they were on, but when he saw them kissing, he decided to leave them alone. He snuck out of the library, then ran all the way to the family room. He burst through the doors.

"Well?" Nia asked.

"What did you see? Did she say yes?" Leeli asked.

Kal grinned. "She said yes!"

The room erupted with cheers.

"Woah, hold up. You actually heard her say yes?" Artham asked.

Kal grinned again. "I didn't have to. The way they were kissing said it all."

Everyone laughed.

"So, where are they right now?" Arundelle asked.

Kal jokingly gagged. "Still in the library."

Everyone laughed again.

A few minutes later, the door to the family room opened as Janner and Sara walked in, holding hands and smiling as if they were the happiest people in the world (which in that moment they probably were).

Everyone acted nonchalantly.

"Hey Janner, Sara." Leeli smiled at them. "What's up?"

Janner and Sara grinned. "So, we have some news."

"LIKE WHAT!?" Kal nearly bursted with excitement.

Artham laughed. "I thought we were gonna act like we knew nothing!"

Kal blushed. "Um."

Janner and Sara looked confused.

Kal laughed. "I...walked in on you two in the library, talking. Congrats!"

Artham smiled. "So, you finally asked her. After waiting for like, a day since she was of age?"

Janner rolled his eyes. "Patience is something neither of us have much of."

Everyone laughed.

"So, when's the wedding?" Kal asked.

"We were going to ask you the same thing." Janner said.

Kal looked confused.

"Kal, the king is the one who marries the members of the royal family." Artham said.

Kal nodded his head. "Ohhh, okay that makes sense."

Everyone laughed.

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