Nine: Meeting Again

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me sir, can I possibly use your lighter?"

Shifting his attention to the side, Jungkook sees a young boy standing beside him now. Well, not so young, likely in his late teens because of his mature features. His hair is blonde but glittered with multicolor of pastel colors by the tips, adding this type of glow to his essence. He is holding onto a quivering smile, holding onto a cigarette between his dainty fingers.

When Jungkook looks into his eyes, he felt this sudden kick in his chest.

It was such a pressure he couldn't describe, and it's making him incredibly uncomfortable - feeling this weird tingle in his inside.

Alright, be nice and leave.

So, to get the boy moving quickly so Jungkook can look for Taehyung, he flips out his lighter and lights up the kid's cigarette. The boy has the cigarette to his lips, puffing the smoke as it lights up, inhaling deeply before exhaling once he eases it away from his mouth, relaxing his body quickly with it.

He's new to smoking, that much Jungkook can tell to how he tried not making it obvious to how he started choking on the nicotine, but he took it like a pro as he gazes out to the river with a lost daze.

"Thank you sir," The boy said back to him, looking back to his face, "You okay? You seem like you're looking for someone?"


Jungkook looks back around, still not seeing him anywhere in sight, and gives up since he's no damn babysitter, leaning back against the rail, "At this point, I don't even know."

The boy is still beside him, his fingers holding the cigarette trembling as the smoke came out as stutters out of his lips, "A little lost?"

This had Jungkook snort out a chuckle, shaking his head, "Don't you have better things to do boy? Hang out with friends? Be with your parents?"

"I don't fit in to have friends," The boy chuckles back, leaning back to the railing, "And my parents got into an accident and have amnesia, so they forgot who I am."

Jungkook's smile drops, slowly looking at the boy now - seeing him only staring at the crowd with a lost daze in those emotionless eyes, holding his head up but Jungkook knew those words he confessed is destroying him from the inside, even if he doesn't show it.

Way to make a kid emotional.

"That sucks kid."

"I know."

The two fell into this oddly comforting silence, letting the world behind them be louder than their words. Well, not exactly for everyone. Tracing down alongside the pathway of the park is Taehyung, grunting to himself to look for the reason as to why he's supposed to be here.

Since Jungkook wants to stand there and do nothing, he'll just have to do the work alone.

Yet walking around, looking like a dumbass look for something that he doesn't even know for the sake of everything, Taehyung called surrender to himself and slumped down on an empty bench - looking down to the river while he waits for whatever to happen.

Letting everything weight down his shoulders.

Everything that's been going for the past few days haven't been making sense, or he's in denial of it being that case - at this point he just doesn't know.

He feels his head getting fucked up, and it's not letting him think.

Even sitting here now, thinking about it, nothing is making sense, and he's relentless without a single moment to find some peace.

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