Nine: Meeting Again

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Taehyung and Jungkook have no idea what they're supposed to be looking for.

It's 12:57h, and they've been in this park for the past ten minutes - trying to figure out what exactly they're supposed to do here besides waiting. Being told that their wives have the possible probability of facing a future as their sons did really nudge a dark edge to them, not taking such threat so nicely, and without thinking twice they demanded Hyunjin to tell them everything.

When he did, nothing of it made sense.

Right now, his and their wives' lives are on the line, just for the sake of them being here - present.

Without any other directions on where exactly to be or for what.

And this waiting is really fueling Karma in a frenzy anxious mess, looking around with these purging red eyes, grunting before looking at his watch, "It's 12:59h, and I'm growing impatient."

Jungkook on the other hand is calm, leaning against the railing to gaze to the Han River with a cigarette in hand, gazing over with a stoney stare in his eyes. He's been silent since he got here, and that perhaps has a lot to do with trying to maintain his emotions at bay.

Nothing here feels real, like being some black sheep amongst the herd.

Something isn't right.

Well, things haven't okay for a while now. Ever since he got to be reunited with Lisa again, being with Oasis, it all feels like a sudden whiplash to him rather than something he's been around for years. Even Lisa isn't the same as he remembered her: The way she reacts to things, talks to him, or even acts is just.... It isn't like the Lisa he remembers.

Rightfully so, since he did cheat on her with Taehyung for the sake of the mission, but even then she just.... She's not the same woman he felt love with. She's different, and Jungkook doesn't even know whether to like that or not.

And then with Taehyung, it just feels like there's more layers to them than what their memories leave them to believe. Jungkook looks at him and he just knows, he knows he felt more than just use him for the sake of the mission. He looks at Taehyung and he feels so much peace in his head, and he doesn't know why.

His feelings and his memories are not making sense, and that's messing him up.

And hopefully, today will grant some answers.

Glancing heavily to the cigarette and then to his wedding ring, to which he still hasn't taken it off. He can't deny that something in his soul died the moment Taehyung took off the ring and threw it at him, and he doesn't understand why. The memories are preventing him from growing closer to him, but Jungkook simply can't stay away from him.

He physically can't, and in some way, he knows that those feelings have the answer to his questions, but at the same time, why continue to pry?

Why not make sense of the new memories he has now? 

The reality that they are living, and adapting. That they should be adapting.

For the sake of their own lives.

Taehyung already is focused on that, so why not Jungkook?

 The more Jungkook thought about it, he suddenly began to realize he's not hearing Karma anymore.

Looking back, Jungkook doesn't see him anywhere in sight anymore. 

Impatient bastard.

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook was just about to push himself off the railing to look for him until he hears a voice draw his attention.

Aptitude [Vkook]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz