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"Beggar, go away! Stay away from my business. You have no idea how much I paid for this stall. You don't even have coins for a payment, so stay away! you stink! "

A woman yelled in front of Jocefie Abad

"Do you want me to teach this ugly old woman a lesson? She doesn't know I have a lot of gold coins!" Felisa whispers in her ear.

"You are a wild spirit, so you have no gold coins," Jocefie said.

The old woman who hears her talking to herself thinks that the beggar is crazy. She just realized it.

"Uh, I know, but I can help... to get some food for you. I know you are hungry." Felisa  added to say. She is a bit worried about Jocefie.

"Wild spirits can't do anything, so keep quiet." Josefie replied.

"You know I can do that," Felisa reminded her.

"It's bad to be mean to others, that's what my mother said, especially when you steal something that doesn't belong to you."

"Uh, sorry, it's up to you. I won't force you."

Felisa knew Jocefie was correct, the family she lived in was wealthy and powerful, and it was simple for her to do something because of her talents as one of the country's second-grade cultivators. A common human, like Jocefie, has no ability to cultivate power, she is only selling agricultural items on the street to make a living in the town of mortal world. It was simply poor luck that a drunken man tripped her and drove her to the inn.

An unassuming street corner was occupied by a diminutive, slender girl who was yawning uncontrollably. She pulled out an apple from under her garments and started to take nibbles out of it in a huge show of total boredom as her half-closed eyes were peering at the patrolling teams roaming on the busy street. Jocefie Abad was dressed in old, ripped, and filthy beggar's clothing. Her face was also heavily covered in muck and grime. She appeared to be a malnourished, scrawny little beggar in every way.

Coincidentally, this month is the festival month for all cultivators, various groups of immortal diciples will perform in front of the King. This is done every five years. This is the test to keep their level and strength consistent based on their ability. Therefore, the entire city will be closed and restricted for those who want to go out of town.

"What horrible luck! Even if I had the patience to wait, the poison in her body wouldn't allow it, time is running so, how can I get out of here as long as possible?" Jocefie said. As if talking to herself again.

According to the reports of the few immortals who passed by, there were still seven days before the gate's reopening day.

"I'm sorry, We cannot act lightly because they might detect that you are a mortal. I did only what was necessary to save you." A soft voice of Felisa Adonis whispered to her.

"About the man in my home town. Why did he attack me? I did not do anything to him." Jocefie asked.

"He's just a madman looking for someone to kill, he was possessed by some evil spirit, thought it was fun for him. His life should be ended" Felisa murmured gently to Jocefie, as if her voice whispered into the air.

Jocefie Abad chewed on the fruit while sighing quietly. However, she felt a little anxious as she recalled the energy that had encircled that man's body when he made his moves. Being possessed, she had imagined that she would merely have to put up with living under the control. Who would have known that the inhabitants of her world can adapt the immortality doings? The cultivation skills of immortals reached her real world?

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