Steve: I'm going to buck dont worry 

Steve goes over to the Quantum portal and dons the Quantum suit

Sam: How long is this gonna take?

Bruce: For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds.

Steve picks up Mjolnir (2013)

Bruce: Ready, Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?

Steve: You bet.

Bruce: Going quantum. Three, two, one–

Steve disappears into the Quantum portal

BRUCE BANNER: And returning in, five, four, three, two, one–

Steve doesn't appear on the pad. Bruce looks around the equipment

Sam: Where is he?

Bruce: I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here.

Bucky turn away from the pad to see a car pull up

Sam: Well, get him back.

Bruce: I'm trying.

Nat: Get him the hell back!

Wanda: where are you steve ?

Bruce: Hey, I said, I'm trying!

Bucky: Wanda, Nat

[Sam walks toward Bucky, followed by Nat and Wanda. Sam, Bucky, and Bruce see's steve get out of the car with another person 

Wanda: omg, Baby

Wanda runs over to her fiance and holds her tight before placing a kiss on her lips, kissing her passionately until Bucky also runs over interrupting wanda and y/n 

Bucky: your back 

Y/n: i am Buck

Nat: hey y/n 

Y/n: hey nat

Nat: no more cliff jumping 

Y/n: oh ha ha 

Wanda: i dont want to know 

Nat: no you really don't 

Y/n: im sorry for everything 

Steve: it wasn't your fault honey, but we have something to tell you, it's about tony 

Y/n: is he ok 

Steve: he sacrificed his life to get rid of thanos 

Y/n: he's gone 

Nat: im sorry but it's true 

Y/n: has he got a funeral planned 

Bucky: yeah its in 15 minutes 

Y/n: i want to go to it 

Steve: of course 

Wanda: we will all be there for you 

Y/n: i missed you so much wands 

Wanda: i missed you my love 

We cut to a montage showing reunions and celebrations. At Clint Barton's farm, he joyfully reunites with his family. At Peter Parker's school, Peter and Ned meet in the hallways. They share a handshake before giving each other a heartfelt hug. In San Francisco, Scott Lang watches fireworks with Cassie Lang and Hope Van Dyne. In Wakanda, T'Cahlla, Shuri, and Ramonda oversee the celebrations from their balcony. Over all this, we hear Tony's voice narrating.

Y/n stark: the unwanted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now